Here’s some video that was emailed to me…I don’t know when it was shot, I just know that you should definitely watch it on mute…I also know that it is a favorable angle of Katy Perry pig, cuz you get to look up her skirt like a perver, without having to look at her busted up face, or thick fat, hideous, disgusting legs…. She is such a fucking joke, but I know you like her and her muff gut…an I know you like perverted videos shot by perverted people…while all I see is an overrated, sloppy fucking bitch with a dimply ass who I fucking hate…… Remember watch it on mute…
After finding out that staring at a girl’s tits is healthy , I figured I’d help you live longer by posting these pictures of Audrina Patridge….I am not sure if the study applies to fake tits, I just know it makes for a good excuse when busted checking out tit and if you’re wondering why I chose Audrina for this task, it is cuz her tits are all she’s fucking good for. Without them, she’s nothing, so whatever sugar daddy, or actual daddy who sorted her out with these implants is, she is forever indebted…cuz it landed her a role on a show and what might be her own show…unless of course these are just staged pics, trying to stay relevant. #losing. I will argue that staring at Audrina’s tits will kill you, because of the frustration that she’s more important than you in the eye of the world, when really she’s nothing by a fucking whore who belongs on a street corner. #losing. The anger she brings out in people, mainly me, can’t be good for me on any level, especailly when it is happening while she’s half naked…it just leaves me confused…. I was sure the cast of The Hills were going to kill themselves when the show ended…but they still live….#losing. Make them stop. To See The Rest of the Pictures – Follow THis Link
Gisele is a bikini model and has been one for the better part of her life. So seeing pictures of her in a bikini later in life after staging a pregnancy but more importantly being deemed unsuitable aka not good enough to be a Victoria’s Secret model because I assume she’s not good enough to be a Victoria’s Secret model…I mean they wouldn’t lie to me…maybe they would to lure me out of my native village in order to exploit me if I was a busty 15 year old in another country being “recruited” before holding my family over my head for the decade I’m forced to work for them….but as an everyday, semi-normal person, what they say is gospel, they are a corporation and the public is in their best interest…you know that… That said, I’d rather pull up some old pictures of her, than these new ones, but I try to keep things current, as does Gisele when it comes to hormone treatments….nope, still not over the gender bending questions we have for her. Is she a man. Is she a woman. I just don’t know. But she’s in a bikini so that’s good enough for me.