Tag Archives: before-the-gun

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on Celebrity Big Brother: We Feared For Our Lives!

Having come in second place behind Ryan Clark on Celebrity Big Brother (UK), Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are continuing to open up about their experience. The gruesome twosome, who said they only feigned being asses for the sake of ratings, now admit they feared for their lives during the competition! Long out of sight and out of mind as far as the American public is concerned, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt re-emerged on UK reality TV this winter. While the Big Brother house tends to be unpredictable, Spencer and Heidi both admit that they felt as if their lives were in danger during the competition! “We didn’t sleep much at all,” Pratt said. “I always had one eye open. We were watching them thinking they were going to try and kill us in our sleep.” “We were constantly nervous something might happen. Every time we saw any of them near knives we left the kitchen straight away,” he said. The man has always had a gift for hyperbole. “They were at such an intense level in the house, we thought they would come and mess with us. Who knows what they would do?” Heidi Montag adds. “At times they were very volatile, easily triggered, and had violent tendencies. I thought we would have to run to get away. I didn’t want to get into a fight at all costs.” The duo did admit, however, to playing the villains. “They brought us in to be Speidi and stir it all up. I feel like a cartoon character. My talent for some odd reason, is being an a**hole” Spencer Pratt said. The winner of the competition, Ryan Clark, isn’t buying it. “I think that’s a load of b*llocks. If that’s really how they feel then ‘bully’ means a different term in f**king America,” says the former X Factor hopeful. “I’ve never met two people who have made me feel so uncomfortable in my life … I think they are genuinely gutted they didn’t win. F*** them … I won in the end!” Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt :   Love ’em! Hate ’em! Love to hate ’em … View Poll »

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Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on Celebrity Big Brother: We Feared For Our Lives!

Chris Brown Likens Self to Jesus; Feeling Crucified in Wake of Frank Ocean Melee?

Chris Brown is apparently feeling crucified since his fight with Frank Ocean. Yesterday, the 23-year-old R&B star, who also paints in his spare time, posted a new photo on Instagram of Jesus on the cross, with a not-so cryptic caption: “Painting the way I feel today,” he wrote. Although he seems to have an extremely hard time taking his own advice, the controversial and often embattled singer also added, “Focus on what matters!” Accounts of the Chris Brown-Frank Ocean fight vary. The alleged altercation involving the stars and their posses occurred at a W. Hollywood recording studio parking lot Sunday night, then moved into the lobby. Officials said “Chris Brown and the victim were involved in an altercation over a parking space. The ruckus allegedly led to Chris Brown punching the victim.” Ocean, who claims Brown threw the first punch, is only listed as the victim because he stayed and spoke to police, while Brown and his people left. Chris has not been charged with a crime, however, and isn’t likely to be; his lawyer says he can and will speak to police because he did nothing wrong. Moreover, Brown’s attorney, Mark Geragos, says that studio surveillance footage of the incident also proves that his client did not punch anybody. What actually happened remains to be seen, although there is a history of animosity between the two that likely contributed to emotions growing heated.

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Chris Brown Likens Self to Jesus; Feeling Crucified in Wake of Frank Ocean Melee?

Newtown Father Heckled at Gun Violence Prevention Hearing

Neil Heslin, the father of a six-year old boy who was among the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, testified yesterday before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. With over 1,000 people in attendance, Heslin held a framed photo of himself and his late child and pleaded with lawmakers to improve mental health options and to ban assault weapons. Newtown Father Heckled at Hearing “I still can’t see why any civilian, anybody in this room in fact, needs weapons of that sort,” Heslin said. “You’re not going to use them for hunting, even for home protection.” Interrupting his speech at various points, pro-gun activists in the crowd shouted “Second Amendment” as Heslin tried to continue. “There are a lot of things that should be changed to prevent what happened,” he said. Watch the video above and then vote: Is it time for major gun legislation in the country?   YES. Fewer guns, fewer tragedies! NO. It’s unconstitutional and won’t stop anything! View Poll »

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Newtown Father Heckled at Gun Violence Prevention Hearing