Tag Archives: legislative

Pedo Pervs: Virginia Lawmaker Accused Of Smashing 17-Year-Old Girl Wins Election From Jail

Joseph Morrisey Wins Election From Jail A VA lawmaker recently won a special election despite being incarcerated and despite being involved in a sex scandal surrounding a 17-year-old girl. Politico reports:  A Virginia state delegate who resigned his seat due to a sex scandal involving a teenage staff member won a special election to regain his seat on Tuesday and will be sworn in Wednesday for the beginning of the legislative session. Joseph Morrissey, an independent who previously served as a Democrat, won the special election over Republican Matt Walton and Democrat Kevin Sullivan. Morrissey resigned in December after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, rather than face felony charges including possession of child pornography, indecent liberties with a minor and electronic solicitation of a minor. The Virginia delegate entered the special election for his old seat from jail, campaigning during the daytime while wearing a monitoring device and spending his nights in Henrico county’s Regional Jail East. He is the first Virginia lawmaker to win reelection while serving time in jail, Virginia House of Delegates Clerk G. Paul Nardo confirmed. Morrissey was indicted in June 2014 for allegedly having sex multiple times with a 17-year-old girl in his law office, in addition to possessing a nude photograph of the minor and sending the photograph to a friend. Police claim to have found the alleged photograph on Morrissey’s phone. SMH…they can’t be serious in Virginia. Wikipedia

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Pedo Pervs: Virginia Lawmaker Accused Of Smashing 17-Year-Old Girl Wins Election From Jail

Newtown Father Heckled at Gun Violence Prevention Hearing

Neil Heslin, the father of a six-year old boy who was among the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, testified yesterday before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. With over 1,000 people in attendance, Heslin held a framed photo of himself and his late child and pleaded with lawmakers to improve mental health options and to ban assault weapons. Newtown Father Heckled at Hearing “I still can’t see why any civilian, anybody in this room in fact, needs weapons of that sort,” Heslin said. “You’re not going to use them for hunting, even for home protection.” Interrupting his speech at various points, pro-gun activists in the crowd shouted “Second Amendment” as Heslin tried to continue. “There are a lot of things that should be changed to prevent what happened,” he said. Watch the video above and then vote: Is it time for major gun legislation in the country?   YES. Fewer guns, fewer tragedies! NO. It’s unconstitutional and won’t stop anything! View Poll »

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Newtown Father Heckled at Gun Violence Prevention Hearing

Beware Of Dogs of the Day: Citizens of Tennessee: Please be on…


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Beware Of Dogs of the Day: Citizens of Tennessee: Please be on the lookout for a dog roaming the legislative plaza of the State Capitol building. He is reportedly huge, and partial to frightening representatives into making silly speeches on the House floor. In related news, the infamous “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which would ban teachers from discussing homosexuality with students in grades K thru 8,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 22/04/2011 20:05 Number of articles : 2

Beware Of Dogs of the Day: Citizens of Tennessee: Please be on…

Marc Emery Prosecutor Now Says Legalize Marijuana

In a Seattle Times op-ed Saturday, former US Attorney for the Western District of Washington John McKay defected to the other side. As the federal prosecutor in Seattle, McKay oversaw the indictment and prosecution of Canadian marijuana seed seller and pot advocate Marc Emery, who now sits in an American federal detention facility awaiting the formal handing down of a five-year prison sentence later this year. But while he thinks Emery and most pot-smokers are “idiots,” McKay has come to see the futility of continuing to enforce marijuana prohibition. “As Emery's prosecutor and a former federal law-enforcement official, however, I'm not afraid to say out loud what most of my former colleagues know is true: Our marijuana policy is dangerous and wrong and should be changed through the legislative process to better protect the public safety,” he wrote. Marijuana prohibition “has utterly failed,” McKay concluded. “The demand for marijuana in this country has for decades outpaced the ability of law enforcement to eliminate it,” he declared, ready to throw in the towel. http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2010/sep/05/marc_emery_prosecutor_now_says_l added by: JackHerer

News: Ever wonder what it would be like to be in a AH-64 attack chopper over Afghanistan? Watch video and find out

Great aerial view from inside an AH-64 attack chopper over Afghanistan. http://tiny.cc/nq109 added by: BillCorcoran

Facing extinction: The "responsible Republican" – Joe Conason – Salon.com

Warnings about right-wing extremism from Michael Gerson and ousted Bob Inglis are too little — and much too late What defines a “responsible” Republican in the era of Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle and Rand Paul? Ask Bob Inglis, soon to depart from Congress after six terms as a Republican representative from South Carolina. Having suffered a landslide defeat in a primary this year — largely because he challenged the extremism of the far right and refused to pander to the “birthers” in his district — Inglis is now speaking out about the direction of his party. In what amounts to an exit interview with the Associated Press( http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gMVWMPMusNiWy1BWNNaU9V16LrDwD9… ), Inglis warned that the GOP's eager embrace of a motley crew of media frothers, ideological fanatics and bizarre conspiracists is inflicting grave damage on the party's integrity. According to the AP, he denounced the “death panel” myth popularized by Palin as an example of “the lowest form of political leadership. It's not leadership. It's demagoguery.” He is also appalled by the undue influence of figures such as Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News gang, especially Glenn Beck, whom he described as a “divisive fear-monger” at a town hall meeting earlier this year. “I think we have a lot of leaders that are following those (television and talk radio) personalities and not leading,” he said. “What it takes to lead is to say, 'You know, that's just not right.'” The obvious result is that the country becomes too polarized and too distracted by phony issues to address real problems. As a white Southerner, Inglis said he is also sadly convinced that racism is among the motives of the most fanatical Obama opponents. He recalled being “shocked” as he watched Tea Party protesters heckling Rep. John Lewis in the Capitol last spring. Although he was too far away to hear the alleged racial slurs hurled at Lewis, a veteran of the civil rights movement in the South, he saw that the behavior of the mob was “threatening and abusive.” At the time he said to Lewis — who was beaten by racists in 1961 in Inglis' home state as he tried to register black voters — “John, I guess you've been here before.” The ousted Inglis is not alone in worrying about the takeover of his party by angry, irrational and potentially dangerous extremists. Today Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson voiced the same concern.( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/08/AR2010070804274…. ) The former Bush speechwriter is disturbed not only by Angle's rhetorical violence and Paul's libertarian excesses but by the Arizona GOP's pandering to anti-immigrant prejudice. A Republican victory in November is only likely to worsen these alarming tendencies: The response of many responsible Republicans to these ideological trends is to stay quiet, make no sudden moves and hope they go away. But these are not merely excesses; they are arguments. Significant portions of the Republican coalition believe that it is a desirable strategy to talk of armed revolution, embrace libertarian purity and alienate Hispanic voters. With a major Republican victory in November, those who hold these views may well be elevated in profile and influence. And this could create durable, destructive perceptions of the Republican Party that would take decades to change. A party that is intimidated and silent in the face of its extremes is eventually defined by them. Gerson is understandably affronted by these clowns, but it is difficult to understand why he describes the Republicans who acquiesce in extremism as “responsible.” It would be more apt to call them “culpable” or “cowardly.” If he's looking for responsible Republicans, they're the ones who are being ejected from office in primaries — like Bob Inglis. added by: toyotabedzrock

What Does The Financial Reform Bill Do Other Than Being Completely And Utterly Worthless?

Is it possible to write a 2,300 page piece of legislation that accomplishes next to nothing and is pretty much completely and utterly worthless? The answer is yes. Barack Obama has been trumpeting the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill as the “biggest rewrite of Wall Street rules since the Great Depression”, but the truth is that after the Wall Street lobbyists got done carving it up, the bill that was left was so watered down and so toothless that it essentially accomplishes nothing except creating even more government bureaucracy and even more mind-numbing paperwork. The bill is so riddled with loopholes for the big banks that it is basically the legislative equivalent of Swiss cheese. The Democrats in the Senate were ecstatic when they announced that they had secured the 60 votes needed to pass this legislation, but when they are asked about what the financial reform bill will do, most of them are left stammering for some kind of cohesive response. The sad truth is that most of them probably don't understand the bill and none of them will probably ever read the entire thing. added by: Revelation1217

Exposing the Census Conspiracy!

At a time when millions of Americans are considering how to most effectively resist what seems like government intrusion into most every aspect of their lives, employees of the federal government are knocking at the door to collect personal information. Citizens and non-citizens alike, ‘the feds’ want the names of each and every person staying at the address, regardless of whether the individual actually lives there or merely surfs the couch. To consider a household questionnaire complete, the federal government will walk away from your front door with a profile of each person that includes date of birth, ethnic and racial designations. They will also ask the way in which each person listed is related to each of the others. Thus, a skeptic nation raises its collective eyebrow when this stranger at the door, speaking on behalf of The United States of America, gives every assurance that the confidentiality of the information they collect is under the strict protection of Title 13 of the U.S. Code. You are not alone if you find these assurances, made on behalf of the federal government, incredulous. Calling themselves patriots, scores of Americans prepare to stand against this intrusion by the U.S. federal government, which they perceive as indicative of tyranny and repression, by refusing to participate in the 2010 Census. While this is an idea that certainly resonates with many of the federal government’s detractors, clearly, it is an ill-considered position, an ill-advised action. As an act of civil defiance, failure to provide basic identifying information and demography to the U.S. Census Bureau is convenient and risk free, though a questionable tactic in defense of personal freedom. In fact, an individual who refuses to fulfill their civil obligation to participate in the Decennial Census, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution, makes a hollow, meaningless gesture. With zero risk to that person’s well-being or personal liberty, it is a petty stance taken in contrast to that of the men and women, who, throughout our nation’s history, put themselves at tremendous risk to stand against injustice – even sacrificing their life to defend against legitimate threats to our nation and its ideals. I have yet to hear or read any rational argument to lend credible support to the idea that conducting a thorough accounting of the people within our borders constitutes a threat to anyone’s ability to pursue life, liberty and happiness – much less national security. What is irrefutable, is that a refusal to comply with Title 13 is direct subversion of the U.S. Constitution. Defend the constitution, and if conscience or values demand an act of civil disobedience: subvert the government, not the constitution! There is a profound legacy in the United States of ordinary people initiating extraordinary social change acting on such conviction. Nowhere in that legacy will you find subversion of the U.S. Constitution as the catalyst for any change in the best interest of Americans. As an Enumerator doing non-response follow up for the 2010 Decennial Census, I counter frequent resistance and hostility with a brief review of American Civics 101. In Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, just after establishing the Legislative Branch of Government, the framers of the constitution mandate that a Census of the entire nation be taken every ten years. The constitutional reason for conducting the census is fundamental: apportioned representation requires an accurate accounting of the population. If we don’t want our government to take this constitutional duty seriously, we may as well call the whole thing off! Without the Census, there can be no representative democracy. Another historically significant detail I will mention, is that the basic line of questioning on the 2010 Census questionnaire is the same as the 1790 Census. These are, in essence, the questions that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison came up with for the first census! Propagating ill-founded chatter that casts the federal government in the role of ‘big brother’ conducting a sinister, albeit banal, violation of our civil rights is dangerous because it diverts attention away from real threats to our civil liberties. Again, rather than a defense of the Constitution, there is subversion. Historically, when large numbers of people are drawn to false conclusions based on fictional versions of real circumstances – it never ends well. Those who choose to undermine the constitution in a less anonymous manner than that of a ‘census scofflaw’ often find themselves held in contempt or ridicule by their contemporaries. The more fortunate of these are forgotten by history. Refuse to complete a census questionnaire and you will likely just be forgotten. After all, the reason that so many in this country are able to trace their ancestry to the earliest days of the republic is that after 72 years (and only after 72 years) the information becomes invaluable public record. Alternately, consider how many data bases on which your personal information surely resides – utility companies, banking, credit card companies, department stores, medical facilities, publishing companies, as well any web site with which you register – every one a profit driven enterprise. With no incentive or capacity to do anything other than use it for statistical purposes, personal information is considerably safer in the hands of the U.S. government. Giving our rational nature the benefit of doubt, let us assume for now that the federal government is not guilty of some Orwellian conspiracy, but that in fact, much like free and transparent elections, the census is a critical, non-negotiable institution required for democracy. What the U.S. Census Bureau is perhaps then guilty of is a failure to communicate – specifically a failure to educate. Consider this: When enumerating, I encounter resistance on a daily basis. In most situations (defining ‘most situations’ as an unscientific four out of five), I am able to provide a quantifiable paradigm shift for even those offering the most hostile resistance. This conversion is accomplished in less than two minutes with that same review of U.S. Civics I convey in the paragraph above. In other words, significant numbers of people living in this country do not know the history of, or understand the critical nature of the Census. Provide the history as a basis for that understanding and people have a different attitude altogether. So how important is the knowledge that the Census is mandated in Article 1 of the constitution, or that Thomas Jefferson developed the basic questions still in use today? As long as we are content with an America where the interest of a privileged few are disproportionally represented at the expense of everyone else – then not very. The ignorance spawned by one or two missing pieces of information can defect the attitude of a generation. The collective will is as feeble as any one individual’s understanding of what is at stake is deficient. To the extent that the Census Bureau began a year in advance to provide the kind of message and information that would persuade the greatest number of people to comply – perhaps a simple history lesson would suffice. For while nothing quite distracts like rumor of a fresh government conspiracy; nothing compels an American quite like real constitutional and historical precedent. Rex Taylor Smith is a 2010 Decennial Census Enumerator working on non-response followup in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. added by: rxnoise

Alaska legislators VS Obama Administration over Endangered Species Act.

(Hat tip to Phil Munger for the photo) Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation met with two top Obama administration environmental officials Friday to discuss several issues that could have wide-ranging impacts on the state. Of most concern to the delegation is the proposed listing of a critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale and petitions to list ice seals as threatened or endangered species. The delegation is worried that such decisions by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration could harm the state’s economy.

Is The Washington Legislature Really ‘Too Busy’ To Protect Medical Marijuana Patients?

Artwork: Jimmy Wheeler The late Jimmy Wheeler, a medical marijuana patient in Washington, created this artwork. Now a proposed patient protection bill will be named in his honor. ​By Steve Elliott at Toke of the Town As most medical marijuana patients in the state already know, the current medical marijuana law in Washington doesn’t protect patients from search, arrest or prosecution. The recent Washington Supreme Court ruling in State v. Fry further highlighted how little protection — as in almost none! — the current law gives “legal” patients. Medical marijuana activists Ken Martin and Steve Sarich of patient advocacy group CannaCare contacted every Senator and Representative in Washington at the beginning of the current 2010 legislative session, attempting to find a sponsor for their new bill that would finally offer legal patients protection from arrest and prosecution. “We could not find a single sponsor for this bill,” Sarich told Toke of the Town . “Those I actually spoke with told me they were ‘too busy’ this session.” “This made us curious about what, exactly, these legislators were so busy working on (besides new taxes on just about everything),” Sarich said. “What we found amazed us.” “Here are just a few of the bills that our legislators believed were more important than protecting sick and dying patients in Washington,” Sarich said. XB 6255 Concerning mute swans. SB 5192 Allowing dogs in bars. SB 6207 Allowing local governments to create golf cart zones. SB 6284 Recognizing Leif Erickson day. HB 1024 Designating Aplets and Cotlets as the state candy. XB 6128 Concerning taxation of little cigars. HB 1137 Protecting landowners’ investments in Christmas trees. SB 5011 Prohibiting the sale or distribution of certain novelty lighters. HB 1638 Concerning colon hydrotherapy. HB 1993 Allowing fishing license holder to use two poles in selected state waters. “Perhaps these bills are truly important to some people,” Sarich allowed. “That said, I think it’s insulting to tell patients that making Aplets and Cotlets the official state candy is more important than keeping patients from being searched, arrested and prosecuted.” Medical Marijuana Lobby Day: Wednesday, February 24 “It’s time to send the message to our elected officials, and Medical Marijuana Lobby Day is the opportunity to do that!” Sarich said. “Show up and have your voice be heard.” “We are gathering at 1 p.m. on the north stairs of the Legislative Building,” Sarich said. “We’ll have white booths there with literature, posters and special medical marijuana patient scarves with buttons that say “STOP ARRESTING PATIENTS.” According to Sarich, the goal is to educate legislators, “let them know we are voters and activists,” to to gather legislative sponsors for the “Patient Protection Act” for the 2011 legislative session. “The bill will be named the ‘Jimmy Wheeler Memorial Patient Protection Act’ in honor of my friend and longtime activist who was providing medical marijuana to patients before there there was legal medical marijuana,” Sarich said. “Jimmy died recently without ever seeing patients free from arrest and prosecution in his lifetime,” Sarich said. “Please ask yourself how many more of us have to die before they realize we are not criminals.” “How many patients need to be persecuted before our elected officials provide us with the same protections offered to the rest of the disabled and terminally ill patients in this state?” Sarich asked. “I’m tired of being a second class citizen!” “We will do our best to arrange transportation for you to this historic event,” Sarich said. For more information, contact Ken Martin at (509) 235-5485 or Steve Sarich at (206) 407-3017.

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Is The Washington Legislature Really ‘Too Busy’ To Protect Medical Marijuana Patients?