Tag Archives: began-the-show

Aziz Ansari Calls Trump ‘The Chris Brown Of Politics’ On SNL

Aziz Ansari hosted Saturday Night Live with musical guest Big Sean. Ansari began the show with an extended monologue, much of which focused on Donald Trump’s election to the presidency.

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Aziz Ansari Calls Trump ‘The Chris Brown Of Politics’ On SNL

I’m Brittany and I’ve been a HUGE fan of Justin…

I’m Brittany and I’ve been a HUGE fan of Justin Bieber since  2009 , when he released his song ‘One Time.’ I’ve tried so many radio contests, online contests, trying to win tickets to his concerts, and even standing in 40 degree weather for 7 hours all to try and meet him. So, after three years, you would think I would give up, right? Wrong. I kept trying. On Tuesday, I decided to check the bieberfever website for any contests, so once again, I would lose….or at least I thought that’s how it would go. Turns out, there was a contest to see Justin in a Fuse interview on June 21 at the Museum of Natural History. I knew I had to attempt to win again! I e-mailed Gotham Casting, the people who were choosing the winners, and I wrote why I was such a huge fan and answered other questions they had. I was very negative about the whole thing. My mom kept telling me to not be so negative because maybe it will actually be my chance to see him in person. I decided I would stay positive. The next day, I went to my friends house and decided to check my e-mail. As I was scrolling down, I saw an e-mail from Gotham Casting!!!! I started spazzing out! I clicked on it and they congratulated me for winning and that I was going to see Justin live at his Fuse Interview! I was crying like crazy and couldn’t believe that I would finally see Justin in person. I called up my best friend and we completely flipped out. I could barely sleep Wednesday night cause I was just way too excited for Thursday to come. Well, finally it was Thursday! Gillian and I went to the Museum at around 4:30 and we waited in line for 4 hours until they finally let us in to where Justin would be. I just couldn’t believe that this moment was actually happening. At 10:00PM, they began the show. Justin Bieber began to walk down the stairs and I just completely broke down. I started hysterically crying and felt like I was going to pass out. It was honestly the greatest time because I waited THREE years for this and I never thought this moment would ever happen to me. The show was amazing! During the breaks, Justin would sing some of his songs from Believe, like “Love Me Like You Do” and “Catching Feelings.” He even started singing “Call Me Maybe” and then he began dancing in his chair. It was so cute and I was so close to the stage. I was literally 5 feet away from him! I screamed “Justin!!!!” and he looked at me and I just got the biggest smile on my face.  This night was seriously the greatest night ever! I continued to never say never and dreamed big. No one should give up on trying to see him in concert or meeting him because it will happen one day! It happened to me and it took years! Dreams do come true! More here: I’m Brittany and I’ve been a HUGE fan of Justin…

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I’m Brittany and I’ve been a HUGE fan of Justin…

Schultz Says Breitbart ‘Nutjob, Makes Me Sick’ But Whines Won’t Come On Show

Hey, it’s been a long day with all this Sherrod stuff.  So let’s kick back and enjoy some—unintentional—humor, courtesy Ed Schultz.  On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed advised Dems not to go on Fox News because they’ll “beat you up.”  Schultz then unleashed a torrent of venom on Andrew Breitbart, saying among—many—other things that Breitbart is a “nutjob” who “makes me sick.” But Schultz began the show by whining because—ready?—Breitbart wouldn’t come on Ed’s show. Sit back and enjoy the video as Ed twists himself into a logical pretzel. ED SCHULTZ: I want to know why any Democrat in the Congress, any Democrat in the Senate, any Democrat anywhere: why do you even go on those shows over there [at Fox News].  They won’t tell the truth. They beat you up. What do you gain? . . . Andrew Breitbart, right-wing nut job. Well this guy makes me sick.  He’s an absolute pro at hatchet jobs. But here’s Ed during the show-opener . . . SCHULTZ: This Breitbart is a master at trying to destroy people professionally.  He’s a right=winger, he has an agenda, no doubt about it.  I saw him today in the hallway today at MSNBC, asked him to be on this program tonight.  He’s too tired. And he doesn’t know about tomorrow. This is how hate merchants operate.