Tag Archives: bethenny-ever

Bethenny Frankel Weight Loss & Lifestyle Tips: What is #1?

Reality star Bethenny Frankel of The Real Housewives of New York City and Bethenny Ever After fame is coming out with a new novel and talk show as well. That’s on top of her Skinny Girl margarita line and everything else tied in with her extensive brand. When does she have time for cheating on Jason Hoppy ? We’re kidding, mostly. But this skinny girl is a busy girl. What kind of weight loss advice does she dispense to women on the go in this lightning-fast age? Recently, Frankel talked about dieting and how she maintains her figure (and sanity). Some of her tips on how to get the body, love and shoes you deserve: Eat good stuff. “I used to starve, then binge, and was 25 pounds heavier. I tried every diet from Beverly Hills to South Beach,” she says. Don’t do that. Realize there is no perfect. “I know there is no ‘right’ way of doing things … The more you see your own ideas work, the stronger you’ll feel.” Cry if you want to. “Martha Stewart told me that women in business don’t cry. I say crying’s fine as long as you’re doing your job.” Network. “I’ve always been someone who hustles. I got on The Real Housewives by going to a polo match in the Hamptons, where I met the producers. I’d rather be shot than go to one now, but I cherish the RH experience.” Don’t go into debt. “I was anxious about money but still spent too much on dumb things. At one point, I owed like $20,000. It was suffocating.” Be authentic. “Power is not how bold you are or how much you say. It’s about being true to yourself. Be the person you believe you are.” Have your makeup done right. “Before I could afford a pro, I’d go to the department store counter. It only cost $50 and was worth it!” Look hot for less. “If you’re fit, you don’t need to buy expensive clothes. But don’t skimp on the essentials, like a really good bag and shoes.” Do the plank pose. “It’s the best for getting flat abs. I do yoga two or three days a week for myself and for my state of mind.” Find your sex sweet spot. “Like Nike says, Just Do It!” [Photo: WENN.com]

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Bethenny Frankel Weight Loss & Lifestyle Tips: What is #1?

GOP Debate: Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich Spar on Foreign Policy

It’s hard not to see how Dr. Paul got the better of this one. At last night’s GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich was asked to respond to Ron Paul referring to has a Chicken Hawk in the past. After a long-winded, largely irrelevant response by Gingrich, Paul said that description of Newt was correct, launching into his own opinions on veterans affairs. When it comes to the power to wage war, and foreign affairs in general, Paul is unflinching in his views, even if they’re diametrically opposed to his counterparts’. Moreover, Paul reiterated that he, despite being married with children, served in the Vietnam War when drafted. Watch the heated exchange below: GOP Debate – Ron Paul vs. Newt Gingrich

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GOP Debate: Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich Spar on Foreign Policy

Bethenny Frankel to End Reality Show

With controversy all around her, Bethenny Frankel is pulling the plug on her reality show after three seasons. The former Real Housewife of New York will “concentrate on her many business ventures,” an insider tells Us Weekly ,” while the door will remain open for other projects with Bravo.” Frankel has been under fire over the last few weeks. First, a lawsuit was filed against her line of margaritas , with questions arising over just how “all natural” the product is. Then, Bethenny claimed she and her husband were lost at sea and nearly died, only for a witness to say otherwise and accuse her of manufacturing drama for her reality show. What a crazy notion, we know. “As far as Bethenny Ever After goes, she feels that ending the show on a high note and ending it after this season would be best for her family,” the source says. “She doesn’t want her [20-month-old] daughter [Bryn] to grow up on TV.” Season three premieres on February 20. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Bethenny Frankel to End Reality Show