Tag Archives: exchange-below

GOP Debate: Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich Spar on Foreign Policy

It’s hard not to see how Dr. Paul got the better of this one. At last night’s GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich was asked to respond to Ron Paul referring to has a Chicken Hawk in the past. After a long-winded, largely irrelevant response by Gingrich, Paul said that description of Newt was correct, launching into his own opinions on veterans affairs. When it comes to the power to wage war, and foreign affairs in general, Paul is unflinching in his views, even if they’re diametrically opposed to his counterparts’. Moreover, Paul reiterated that he, despite being married with children, served in the Vietnam War when drafted. Watch the heated exchange below: GOP Debate – Ron Paul vs. Newt Gingrich

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GOP Debate: Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich Spar on Foreign Policy

Two Women, One Pregnant, Throw Down at Occupy Nashville Protest

On Christmas, two protesters at an Occupy Nashville encampment proved that while they may decry the way the 1% bludgeons us commoners in a manner of speaking, they still reserve the right to literally pummel one another. The two women – one of them three months pregnant – exchanged harsh words, which quickly led to hair pulling, punching, and both of them landing on the ground. Watch the disturbing exchange below: Girl Fight at Occupy Nashville

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Two Women, One Pregnant, Throw Down at Occupy Nashville Protest