Tag Archives: better-before

Megan Fox Bikini of the Day

I don’t know what the fuck he deal is with this video…but I figured I’d post it since it is the latest work she’s done on film….you know since she’s been blacklisted in Hollywood….possibly cuz she’s married and teenage boys don’t like married bitches, since marriage is for moms and not for girls they put posters on their wall of….or maybe cuz she’s a cunt who would never get naked…and who really cares…cuz she’s doing hte paparazzi hustle to get notcied….and I’m noticing….even though everything about her is irritating as fuck…..except maybe her body….which I guess makes everything about her acceptable cuz it’s not like we have to listen to her talk and shit…even though I’d want to see her shit…I’d even use her asshole as a feeding tube….but that’s just cuz I’m weird and would do that with anyone…It’s not an honor or award to be the asshole I eat from…. TO SEE THE BIKINI PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Megan Fox Bikini of the Day

Heidi Montag Hosts a Vegas Pool Party in a Bikini of the Day

I guess it only makes sense that Heidi Montag would be hosting events at Vegas on a slow day, I mean where else is there to go when you’re a reality star everyone hates, cuz you pretty much represent all that is wrong with the fucking world….oh right Playboy…. I guess that’s why bitch co-hosted a pool party with Hef’s Crystal Harris bitch he recently fired, cuz either she wants to be the next in line as Hef’s fake wife, it’s one of the best jobs for fake tit, fake tan, fake hair whores in the world….way better than stripping locally… I mean unless she’s just using this as a publicity stunt to get noticed…which would make sense, as all reality TV idiots are addicted to their 5 minutes and any chance to be talked about is good enough to them… But I think it’s safe to say her next stop with her DDs is playboy….I mean that’s pretty much the look she’s got going and there’s pretty much no where else to go….I mean other than being irrelevant in Vegas….but that will end soon….and her getting naked will commence….and I’ll be watching unless of course I Ryan Dunn myself. TO See The Bikini PICS I don’t Have the Rights to Follow THis LInk TO See The Bikini PICS I don’t Have the Rights to Follow THis LInk

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Heidi Montag Hosts a Vegas Pool Party in a Bikini of the Day

Katie Holmes Bikini Pics of the Day

I guess the mothership hasn’t come down to save the elightened humans who know the truth and worship their alien power, cuz Katie Holmes had the time to hit the beach to show off her skinny titless body in a bikini…I liked her better before she was weird, you know a slutty young actor…naked and murdered in her one movie roll she had before being knocked up by some experimental space sperm, leading to no acting work, cuz the bitch is too busy prepping for salvation or whatever it is Scientologist closet case homosexuals and their stage wives do….but she’s still in a bikini, she’s not fat and apparently that’s good enough for me…it’s one of those “You had me at Vagina” situations…if you know what I mean…

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Katie Holmes Bikini Pics of the Day