Tag Archives: guess-it-only

Miranda Kerr’s Halloween Shoot for Snapchat Founder and Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

I guess it only makes sense that Miranda Kerr would do a fun photoshoot for Harper’s Bazaar, the Halloween Issue… Shot by Terry Richardson, I guess in efforts to cater or impress her young Billionaire who “created” snapchat back when trying to get girls to send nudes and “I promise I’ll delete it”…wasn’t convincing enough…so he went to the drawing bored, and said “self destruct pictures, that area all saved on my servers, so I can cross reference and see the world’s nudes, and they won’t know anything of it, because people are retards and only understand their user interface and not back-end programming, and that will make me rich, since everyone is a pervert voyeur/exhibitionist, and then I’ll get to fuck models like Miranda Kerr’s back-end, because that’s what I used to jerk off to when she was gold digging and making babies with Hollywood Stars…before the whole fucking bieber…and Australian Billionaires thing happened…because this bitch likes billionaires and I’m a billionaire”… Fascinating…but only because of the old Hollywood Horror characters of our youth…and not because of the Gold Digging Australia cunt.. The post Miranda Kerr’s Halloween Shoot for Snapchat Founder and Harper’s Bazaar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miranda Kerr’s Halloween Shoot for Snapchat Founder and Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Bella Thorne in a Satanic Ritual of the Day

The Thornes are a weird, stage family, that if this was the 20s, would be carnival act that tours town to town, but that is instead based in LA, and sent to auditions until one of them got a mainstream gig, allowing the others to embrace their “art” or “craft”…financed by their sister/daughter, the chosen one, Bella Thorne..sacrificed for the benefit of the rest of them…so that they can do hipster photoshoots and ride the name… So I guess it only makes sense that Bella is posing in some satanic sacrfice temple…probably where they killed that homeless girl, or was it Jon Benet Ramesey for her her powers to create this… The post Bella Thorne in a Satanic Ritual of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne in a Satanic Ritual of the Day

Megan Fox Bikini of the Day

I don’t know what the fuck he deal is with this video…but I figured I’d post it since it is the latest work she’s done on film….you know since she’s been blacklisted in Hollywood….possibly cuz she’s married and teenage boys don’t like married bitches, since marriage is for moms and not for girls they put posters on their wall of….or maybe cuz she’s a cunt who would never get naked…and who really cares…cuz she’s doing hte paparazzi hustle to get notcied….and I’m noticing….even though everything about her is irritating as fuck…..except maybe her body….which I guess makes everything about her acceptable cuz it’s not like we have to listen to her talk and shit…even though I’d want to see her shit…I’d even use her asshole as a feeding tube….but that’s just cuz I’m weird and would do that with anyone…It’s not an honor or award to be the asshole I eat from…. TO SEE THE BIKINI PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Megan Fox Bikini of the Day

Heidi Montag Hosts a Vegas Pool Party in a Bikini of the Day

I guess it only makes sense that Heidi Montag would be hosting events at Vegas on a slow day, I mean where else is there to go when you’re a reality star everyone hates, cuz you pretty much represent all that is wrong with the fucking world….oh right Playboy…. I guess that’s why bitch co-hosted a pool party with Hef’s Crystal Harris bitch he recently fired, cuz either she wants to be the next in line as Hef’s fake wife, it’s one of the best jobs for fake tit, fake tan, fake hair whores in the world….way better than stripping locally… I mean unless she’s just using this as a publicity stunt to get noticed…which would make sense, as all reality TV idiots are addicted to their 5 minutes and any chance to be talked about is good enough to them… But I think it’s safe to say her next stop with her DDs is playboy….I mean that’s pretty much the look she’s got going and there’s pretty much no where else to go….I mean other than being irrelevant in Vegas….but that will end soon….and her getting naked will commence….and I’ll be watching unless of course I Ryan Dunn myself. TO See The Bikini PICS I don’t Have the Rights to Follow THis LInk TO See The Bikini PICS I don’t Have the Rights to Follow THis LInk

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Heidi Montag Hosts a Vegas Pool Party in a Bikini of the Day

Someone Threw Up on Drew Barrymore of the Day

There is nothing hot about Drew Barrymore….I mean other than to perverts child molesters who haven’t got over her role in E.T….but seriously she has got to be one of the most over-hyped girls in Hollywood and I guess it is all thanks to a long line of generations of famous actors and a her Godparents being Steven Spielberg and Sophia Loren Hollywood in her family….but that doesn’t mean anything…I’m sure anyone with the raw talent she possesses could have been the great mind behind Beverly Hills Chihuahua and all the other bullshit she’s produced, wrote, directed and acted in…while everyone around her, who encourages her like some blind kid riding a bike for the first time or some shit…..ignores the fact that she is ugly as fucking shit…. Here are some pictures of her at her new movie “Everyone’s Fine” premiere and she’s dressed like someone threw up all over her dress because I guess it only comes natural since she’s lived her entire life lookin like someone threw up on her face….. Pics via INF

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Someone Threw Up on Drew Barrymore of the Day