Tag Archives: better-off-not

Rachel Cook Nude by David Bellemere Garbage of the day

I always say that David Bellemere is the best nude photographer to go mainstream in recent years, but like anything that goes mainstream, it turns to absolute dog shit, and sure he’s still getting famous bitches and no names like Rachel Cock the instagram Pussy people can buy….and do buy…because she hangs in the right sugar baby circles… But the pics are always so fucking repetitive and boring, I don’t know what needs to happy to “pretty shot nude pics that girls want to participate in because he’s got a good brand name thanks to all the jobs he’s locked in like Victoria’s Secret”…but I’m hoping something..and that something is better off not being pics of him taking pics of girls like what’s going on here..that’s just fucking egotistical and lame…. I want things to just be more exciting…random hooker laying nude on a beach…doesn’t he get bored of this shit? Because I do…and I’m not even the one coordinating this shit and showing up on set, maybe he just figures he found his angle to get paid….who knows…or cares..I know it appears that I do…but I don’t….I am just the same milk my tired nonsense of posting this shit as hard as I can also… The post Rachel Cook Nude by David Bellemere Garbage of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rachel Cook Nude by David Bellemere Garbage of the day

Kaley Cuoco Bikini Pics for Twitter of the Day

Kayley Cuoco would be better off not posting bikini pics of her sitting as her gut hangs over her bikini like a drunk mom at a resort who hasn’t done a situp since before she had the kids, but she sure has taken a liking to booze, cake, pie and all things that give her a moment of pleasure in the hell life she’s designed for herself…not that Kaleye Cuoco’s life is hell, she’s on a huge show about nerds, where she plays the hot chick, who has leniency in her hotness, cuz lets face it, nerds don’t care if your stomach is toned….but I do…you pig.

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Kaley Cuoco Bikini Pics for Twitter of the Day

Jaimee Grubbs’ Tool Academy Video

Tiger Woods mistress #2, Jaimee Grubbs , was on the VH1 show Tool Academy before her current brush with celebrity. The premise of Tool Academy is so unbelievably dumb that you're better off not knowing it if you've managed to avoid this show, but here she is getting kicked off in Season 1. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Blake Lively and Her Gossip Girl Legs of the Day

Here are Blake Lively’s legs. I’m not sure why I am giving her added attention, maybe it’s because I like they way her stomach bubbles out in her dress like she’s on her period or even in the early stages of teenage pregnancy or even just a little chubby from all the cocaine and booze she’s been drinkin now that she’s got lots of money to spend on the shit…..and that’s all I have to say about that….even though I would have probably been better off not saying anything…

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Blake Lively and Her Gossip Girl Legs of the Day