The only thing I genuinely like in the world is dogs. I don’t need to go into why, it’s pretty fucking obvious, they are just everything humans like to pretend to be, or like to think they are, but totally aren’t…loyal, great companions, fun, cute, affectionate, sweet, amazing….and there is no real bond with any other living creature than one with your dog…it’s a fact… So seeing a girl who is with her dog, who loves her dog, who even sits on the ground next to her dog because it may or may not being getting old, hot and unwilling to walk…all while wearing a “adopt” a dog, rescue shirt…is beyond erotic to me…it speaks to my fucking soul…and reminds me that Amanda Seyfried is and has always been – at least since replacing LOHAN at being Lohan…the only young starlet I appreciate….she’s probably evil, horrible, entitled, spoiled, a diva, disgusting..but in her public image she’s dirty, lazy, unassuming…and in her movies she’s naked…I am into it…a fan…except for that whole fucking Justin Long thing, but I don’t care about the things that have been inside girls I like….I don’t even worry about getting inside girls I like…I just like knowing they exist…while I can focus on putting my dick in girls I don’t like, respect, appreciate and like buying on discount…at 3 am… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Amanda Seyfried’s in Jeans of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Amanda Seyfried’s in Jeans of the Day