Tag Archives: big-budget-film

The Bachelor Season Preview: Who IS SHE!?!?

The epic, four-minute trailer for the all-new season of The Bachelor that aired at the end of last night’s season premiere has to be seen to be believed. It has the feel of a big-budget film, not a reality show. Clearly, ABC ditched any pretense of love and ramped up the nudity, side plots and suspense. More power to them. Sure, Ben is a real nice guy who probably does want to marry his final rose recipient, but it’s ALL about the drama this year: The Bachelor Season Preview 2012 Straddling Ben, stripping buck naked in the ocean and openly taunting the competition, it seems safe to say Courtney’s the “bad girl” this winter. But who is the girl in red? Ben’s ex? Another familiar face? See our page dedicated to The Bachelor spoilers to find out (what we think is) the answer. And who is the woman in black? Is it the Black Widow herself?! Cloaked in mystery (and ridiculousness), she boards a chopper on what we presume is the finale, only to do “a 180” about saying yes to Ben Flajnik?! Share all your theories with us in the comments, and stay tuned all winter log as THG live blogs the scripted, contrived awesomeness of each episode.

See original here:
The Bachelor Season Preview: Who IS SHE!?!?

VIDEO: Half-Naked Jennifer Lawrence Gets Painted Blue for X-Men: First Class

Kourtney Kardashian Feeling Fishy Post-Birth

Filed under: The Kardashians The Kardashian sister that’s not Kim or married to Larmar Odom finally popped out her kid on Monday … and once she regained her strength, all she wanted was a tuna sandwich. We’re told once Kourtney was feeling better, she dispatched sister Kim to …

Originally posted here:
Kourtney Kardashian Feeling Fishy Post-Birth

Producer to Fishburne: You’re No Sam Jackson!

Filed under: Celebrity Justice A movie company that hired Samuel L. Jackson to star in a big-budget film is pissed off they weer forced to settle for Laurence Fishburne instead, this according to a new lawsuit. It’s all over a movie called “Black Water Transit” — which Jackson ..

Producer to Fishburne: You’re No Sam Jackson!