Tag Archives: bikini-chick

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Gold Bikini Chick

Meet Kristen. She can do the splits. *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Gold Bikini Chick Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Gold Bikini Chick

“Bikini Girl” aka Katrina Darrell Returns With No Bikini

Am I the only one who remembers ‘Bikini Girl’ aka Katrina Darrell ? How could anyone forget that tight body? Well she’s back and looking, wait, why would someone with a nick name like ‘Bikini Girl’ do anything in the public eye without wearing a damn bikini? No wonder she’s been out of the spotlight for so long. What a waste. She kind of reminds me of this slut my friend used to date. I hated that chick. At least she’s wearing a nice little dress that shows off the goods so it’s not that bad. I also have a video of hers that has to be one of the worst covers of a song I’ve ever heard in my life. Check it out HERE , it’s awful.

Kara DioGuardi Tries To Get Noticed In Maxim

I’ve actually watched a couple of episodes of this seasons American Idol and it took me a while to realize that this Kara DioGuardi chick wasn’t Paula Abdul. I’m not kidding either. To be fair I don’t really pay much attention to what’s going on with the show but you’d think I would notice her. So I’m glad that she’s finally trying to get noticed by posing for some pictures for the folks at Maxim . Unfortunately she still doesn’t stand out. It’s possible these are pictures of my bartender from last night, I can’t tell.

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Chick Kicks Reporter In The Nuts

That’s just not right! *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Bikini Chick Kicks Reporter In The Nuts Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Chick Kicks Reporter In The Nuts

Irina Sheik Picture Moment

Katrina Bowden’s Hotness Is Special

If you’re a fan of 30 Rock, I’m pretty sure you recognize this blondie, but don’t know her name.

Go here to see the original:
Katrina Bowden’s Hotness Is Special

Irina Voronina, Brooke Taylor And Jesse Golden In Sexy Halloween Costumes

I know it’s not even October yet, but apparently Halloween is just around the corner. Here are Irina Voronina , Brooke Taylor and Jesse Golden in some sexy costumes, I couldn’t tell you whose who in these pictures, but I don’t think it really matters. I love Halloween, it gives normally conservative girls a chance to slut it up in some sort of trashy outfit they’d never be caught dead in any other time of the year

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Irina Voronina, Brooke Taylor And Jesse Golden In Sexy Halloween Costumes

Jennifer Hawkins Bikini Pictures

Here’s former Miss Universe, Jennifer Hawkins modelling bikinis for Myer swimwear. I’ve never heard of this brand, but you could dress Jennifer in pig shit and it would sell

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Jennifer Hawkins Bikini Pictures

Where Did All The Hot Porn Stars Go?

Hustler held an event called ‘Sex, Drinks & Rock ‘n’ Roll Freedomfest ‘ to benefit the Free Speech Coalition. Being one for free speech, I have to say what’s with these ugly porn stars? I hardly know who any of them are.

The rest is here:
Where Did All The Hot Porn Stars Go?

Bikini Girl Is Back In A Bikini!

It looks like Katrina Darrell , aka “ Bikini Girl” from American Idol has managed to extend her 15 minutes of fame by a few more seconds. She managed to get into a bikini and showed off the goods at the Santa Monica beach.

Original post:
Bikini Girl Is Back In A Bikini!