Tag Archives: black-audience

Halle Berry Nipples in White Face of the Day

No one is out there calling out HALLE BERRY for being in WHITE FACE…but the second a bunch of Catholic School kids dress up in Black Face the world goes nuts. The second some white southern person wears black face on Halloween…the world goes nuts…screams racism…and how is that fair? Well it is fair because Halle Berry lives in black face, plays up being black…despite being white…her mom, like Drake, is white…her mom, like Drake, raised her…the black shit thy do is to appeal to a black audience as a black person…but they just learnd it watching rap videos…so Halle Berry in white fac…is her true identity…. Luckily, unlike white people, she’s aging hot….genetics and intermingling can do some good in killing off that inbred look and making for a hot old lady… In case it’s not clear…I am a fan, even if I think she’s a marketing tool for white people….cuz she is. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Halle Berry Nipples in White Face of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Halle Berry Nipples in White Face of the Day

J.Lo for TV Guide on New Years Eve of the Day

J.Lo is almost timeless, at least whoring herself out is, because her face definitely isn’t, but the idea of her is, thanks to hispanic people being totally fucking obsessed with her, in a she can’t do wrong, ever…she can get half naked and make a fool of herself, all while cashing in, being a bad hispanic who can’t speak Spanish, but like a circus clown, they support…cheer and throw money at her…and thus, the entertainment industry does too, because those Jews need a Spic to use in their projects that is a hard worker, has the audience, someone they can count on…like they did with Halle Berry for the black audience… She’s promoting a TV show she’s on…and looks hilarious in: Here’s a compilation of her ass…20 years of booty..because that’s what matters… The post J.Lo for TV Guide on New Years Eve of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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J.Lo for TV Guide on New Years Eve of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Bikini Vacation Pics of the Day

Her name is Aubrey O’Day, you barely know who the fuck she is, but you remember hearing her name because she had sex with Diddy when she was on his TV show…which spiralled into a life of getting fatter and fatter for her black audience, who likes a white bitch juicy as fuck, but more importantly, because she was eating her sads… That said, she’s got fit, still has a big booty, fucks a white guy who saw opportunity and didn’t care that her pussy was tainted, which is really unlike most white guys I know…you see I don’t care what a girl sticks in herself…from produce, to household objects, to men and women of different ethnicities…but for some reason…every white guy I know does…at least if it’s a black guy…it upsets them… It looks like she may have got a free cruise and did her own little catalog for them on her instagram…all bikini, all the time, and I think she looks pretty awesome for what I assume is a horrible person.

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Aubrey O’Day Bikini Vacation Pics of the Day

Obama Puts on His Best Dialect & Tells Black Audience “Stop Complaining & Fight” (Video)


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New Tone… Barack Obama told his black audience last night to “Put on your marching shoes.” The AP reported: In a fiery summons to an important voting bloc, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 25/09/2011 17:07 Number of articles : 2

Obama Puts on His Best Dialect & Tells Black Audience “Stop Complaining & Fight” (Video)