15 Of The Best Beach Selfies On Instagram We all love taking selfies . However we may not look as good as these people when we take our selfies. These are some of the best beach selfies on the Internet in recent memory. And they’re glorious. Instagram
Al gets put on blast! Al Sharpton Confronted Over Being A FBI Snitch In Ferguson Missouri Via Western Journalism reports: The riots in Ferguson, Missouri have brought MSNBC’s race-baiting Al Sharpton to the scene, ready to inform on the police officer accused of fatally shooting a black unarmed 18-year-old man. Sharpton is pressing the police department to release the name of the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown during a scuffle after the officer asked Brown and another teen to get out of the street. A crowd gathered around “Reverend” Sharpton as he made his way to Ferguson City Hall. Progressives Today reporter Adam Sharp hurled questions at Sharpton regarding his previously reported mob ties that led him to become an informant for the FBI. SMH!!!