50 Cent has reached a plea deal following an incident in which he alleged kicked his baby mama and destroyed a bunch of her property back in June. He was charged with five criminal counts following the incident – one count of misdemeanor domestic violence, and four counts of misdemeanor vandalism. The rapper pleaded not guilty soon after, but the judge still ordered him to stay away from his baby mama Daphne Joy , the mother of 50’s second child. 50 also has a teenage son Marquise with Shaniqua Tompkins , with whom he also has a contentious relationship. Joy’s child with Cent is still a baby. After the alleged fight with Daphne, he was hit with a restraining order. He also had to turn in all his guns, which we imagine is a large number. But he’s now struck a plea deal that got the domestic violence charge dropped. By agreeing to plead no contest to one count of misdemeanor vandalism, he was sentenced to three years’ probation and 30 days’ community service. He has also agreed to attend counseling sessions and pay $7,100 in restitution to Daphne Joy, while the restraining order against him remains in effect. It’s not clear when and if he will get his guns back .
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50 Cent Cops Plea Deal, Domestic Violence Charge Dismissed