Tag Archives: bring-girls

Reese Witherspoon Housewife Porn for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Reese Witherspoon is channeling some of her Pleasantville roots in this shoot for Harper’s Bazaar that scream “Stepford Wife Erotica”….you know 1950s scandals involving little Jesus freaks moving to Hollywood to get famous, only to get knocked up on set, and pressuring the guy who knocked her up to man-up and be a dad to their kid, while creating more kids, like some pushy self serving bitch with her own agenda….only to do a series of shit movies, before an Oscar winning movie, that probably happened after she left said husband she had all the babies with on set of a movie they worked on like a little slut….for her agent…because fucking the people who make money off you…just makes sense… I never found her hot, or exciting, and I am going to assume you don’t either…but someone must….because why else does she exist? Maybe she’s right, and the lord she pretend to cherish and obey, even though she’s a heathen, hollywood, false idol, who lives a lavish and exclusvie celebrity lifestyle, proving she is full of shit…not that you needed proof…she’s Hollywood – it’s kinda what they do…

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Reese Witherspoon Housewife Porn for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Fashion Nudity by Kesler Tran of the Day

Kesler Tran is a photographer….who I guess I have a lot in common with…he takes girls out to the desert and gets them half naked for art….I take them out to secluded places and get them half naked…hoping the roofies doesn’t wear off….only he takes pictures of it and I try to have no evidence…because who really needs a lawsuit…not that I would have one, because I am actually a gentlemen, even in date rape situations, where I bring girls out in hopes of fucking them, only to meet them and be disgusted by them for not matching their profile pics, only for them to end up raping me, even though I don’t want it, but can’t say no, because I am a nice guy…with creepy intentions…that get very uncreepy the second I realize she’s a pig..All this to say, this are nice pics of an unknown model. Look at them VIA Kesler Tran

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Fashion Nudity by Kesler Tran of the Day

Justin Bieber Is An Old-Fashioned Romantic

Brace yourself for another Justin Bieber cover! Get used to it…it doesn’t look like Bieber fever will be quelled anytime soon. This time Justin would like everyone to know that deep down he’s an old-fashioned lover boy. He tells Girl’s Life: “There have been a few dates I’ve gone on that I was totally nervous about. I just try to calm down and be myself. I took a girl out for a first date to an Italian restaurant and spilled spaghetti all over her. It was terrible and embarrassing. She never went out with me again. I’m romantic. I like to bring girls flowers and treat them nice. I would love to take a girl on a hot air balloon ride. How cool would that be?” Form a line to the left, ladies.

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Justin Bieber Is An Old-Fashioned Romantic