Tag Archives: brother-nation

Kim Kardashian: TERRIFIED of Ebola; Purchasing Hazmat Suits For the Whole Family!

It may seem like the only thing Kim Kardashian fears is that someday she’ll leave the house and there won’t be a swarm of paparazzi to follow her every move.  But according to one report, there’s been something else keeping Kim up at night recently. And no, we’re not talking about Kanye asking her opinion about his new leather sweatpants (although it might be that, too). Believe it or not, it’s something far more insidious than an insecure Yeezy. Yes, sources close to the reality star say that Kim is terrified of Ebola ! “She’s really worried about traveling and all the flying she and Kanye do with their daughter,” says one insider. “She’s become terrified about it and wants these special suits to protect them.” In fairness, the Wests do an awful lot of dangerous globe-trotting. Just last week, Kim and Kanye took North to Paris Fashion Week . And while there have been no reported cases of Ebola amongst French models, little Nori could’ve easily picked up a smoking habit or caught a nasty case of b-tch-face! Anyway, Kim is said to be so frightened that she’s looked into purchasing special protective gear for herself and her family. “She’s become paranoid about it and wants these special suits to protect the just in case,” says the source. “She’s had her assistant calling about where to get them and get them quickly.” Yes, Kim has reportedly reached out to Lakeland Industries, the company that produces most of the yellow HazMat suits you seen in films like Outbreak and Contagion . Wait, does that mean Kanye’s crystal masks don’t filter out airborne pathogens. Then why does he wear them, just to be a douche? 19 Worst Kim Kardashian Photos! 1. Kim Kardashian Krying Kim gets her ugly cry on. It’s definitely not her best look.

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Kim Kardashian: TERRIFIED of Ebola; Purchasing Hazmat Suits For the Whole Family!

Juan Pablo Galavis to Nikki Ferrell: I DON’T Love You! Esss Okay, Maybe Someday!

The Bachelor star Juan Pablo Galavis and his final rose recipient Nikki Ferrell are on Couples Therapy these days, and their situation hasn’t changed much. In fact, if you watch Couples Therapy online , you’ll wonder how the heck these people are even together … which is what we thought on The Bachelor, too. Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell Photos: True Love? 1. Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell Kiss Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell kiss in a cute photo. If anything, last night’s Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5 was a true low point, simply because it showed us how little has changed in six months plus. Every glimpse we get of their relationship makes us less invested in them, and more concerned for Nikki’s self-esteem for putting up with this dude somehow. Not that she’s coming across as a real prize either, the way she complaints 24/7 about cameras following her and acts like she doesn’t want to be there. On a VH1 reality show that SHE SIGNED ON FOR. That card didn’t work on The Bachelor, but one could at least buy the notion that behind closed doors, perhaps they were private people who were truly happy. No longer. It’s as bad as we thought, if not worse. Dating Nikki Ferrell doesn’t seem like a lot of fun. However, the way Juan Pablo treats his girlfriend and their relationship defies any and all comprehension. Watch Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5 Online In a rare moment of honestly and vulnerability, Ferrell broke down on last Thursday’s episode, admitting she is still waiting to be chosen, to be picked by him. She would love to hear that he loves her, basically. Does he? Asked point blank if he does on Couples Therapy , Juan Pablo tried to beat around that bush like nobody’s business, but had to answer eventually: No. His way of handling things – namely blaming their communication gap and his own ridiculous behavior on cultural issues – is the biggest cop out of all time. If you took what he said at face value, he’s not going to move in with her and doesn’t love her and she just doesn’t get it because she’s from America. It’s insulting, honestly, and borderline infuriating. Just break up, already. Move on with your lives and save us any more reality shows. Seriously you two, esss okay. We will survive quite well without you. Couples Therapy Season 5 Cast Photos 1. Dick Donato and Stephanie Rogers-Fischer Dick Donato, or simply Evel Dick as he’s known to Big Brother Nation, is working on things with his girlfriend Stephanie Rogers-Fischer … and chose Couples Therapy as the platform from which to reveal that he is HIV positive.

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Juan Pablo Galavis to Nikki Ferrell: I DON’T Love You! Esss Okay, Maybe Someday!

South Park Season 18 Episode 3 Recap: Oh, Lorde

South Park brought the funny and also the profound, in a way, on South Park Season 18 Episode 3 . We started with Cartman putting a pink bow on his head telling the principal that he’s a “trans-ginger.” See, he’s really a girl, though he “lives a life of torture and confusion because society sees him as a boy.” When he makes girls feel uncomfortable in their own bathroom, Principal Victoria has no choice but to clear out the janitor’s closet and gives Cartman his own bathroom. He proceeds to deck it out with string lights, lace, and a Clapper, totally going Fifty Shades of Grey up on in it. Watch South Park Season 18 Episode 3 Online The following day, Wendy arrives at school dressed in a jean vest, hair cut short and her name changed to “Wendell.” Principal Victoria tells Cartman (now going by “Erica”) that he must share the bathroom with Wendell. You can imagine his reaction to this news, can’t you? Stan then goes to Randy with a deep question: Is it possible for someone to be one way on the outside but totally different on the inside? His response: “I am Lorde .” Wait… what?!? Randy explains that it started awhile back when he wanted gain access to the women’s bathroom at work. While inside, he started singing and writing. One thing (such as autotune) led to another (such as drum loops) and his voice and music were transformed into the music audiences now hear on The Hunger Games soundtracks. Can’t say we saw that storyline coming. Stan is now confused and wants to use Cartman’s bathroom, too, while co-workers at his office tell Randy to use an “executive bathroom.” This leaves him confounded about his identity once again. Cue E! News, which announces that Lorde hasn’t been heard from in days. However, Sharon gives him/her/it a pep talk: “If I could talk to Lorde … I’d tell her not to let people change who she is. If people are making fun of her, it’s probably because they’ve lost touch with being human.” This works, as inspirational music is followed by new a “Lorde” single, which the record executives and the children listen to. Randy is Lorde yet again, and all is right in the world of pop. If that makes any sense at all. We end with Principal Victoria telling the kids to just use whatever bathroom in which they feel most comfortable. So Stan goes into the “cis-ies” bathroom, singing. Remember to visit our friends at TV Fanatic to watch South Park online and to relive the best South Park quotes .

See the article here:
South Park Season 18 Episode 3 Recap: Oh, Lorde

Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Evel Dick and the Human Lie Detector

On last night’s Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5, we got to see how the rest of the cast reacted to the reveal of Evel Dick Donato’s HIV positive diagnosis. Having told this secretly to Dr. Jenn last week, the Big Brother great struggled with whether to also tell the others on Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5 . Watch Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5 Online Meanwhile, Dr. Jenn enlisted the services of interrogation and body language expert Janine Driver to figure out who was there for the right reasons. If that sounds like a plot from The Bachelorette , it’s not far off. Remember on Andi Dorfman’s season, how the guys had to take a polygraph test as well? Driver, the human lie detector, made this uncomfortable for sure. But nothing like when Stephanie and Evel Dick agreed that he had to come clean. In a group session, he shared his secret about having HIV with the group, and everyone was pretty shaken up, perhaps most notably Juan Pablo Galavis. If you watch Couples Therapy online , this week’s episode is worth it for that scene. We wish Dick nothing but the best as he keeps on fighting the disease. As for Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell, Janine Driver TAKES IT to him and asks if he loves Nikki. After trying to weasel his way out of it, at last he says NO. He said he is falling in love with her, though, in a partial save … a lot better than “I like you a lot,” but still not enough to impress Nikki, we’re guessing. Juan Pablo also continues to use his “culture” as an excuse for pretty much everything, which starts to wear thin around the 40th time that card is played. While we’ve written off Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell long ago and didn’t expect them to last this long, it’s hard to see where they go from here. Couples Therapy Season 5 Cast Photos 1. Dick Donato and Stephanie Rogers-Fischer Dick Donato, or simply Evel Dick as he’s known to Big Brother Nation, is working on things with his girlfriend Stephanie Rogers-Fischer … and chose Couples Therapy as the platform from which to reveal that he is HIV positive. Cicely, while this is going on, used Janine to tell if Treach was telling the truth about being faithful to her. This plot line is just getting played to death. Janine believed that he was telling the truth about being faithful to Cicely, however, but she still wasn’t buying it. Not sure where they go from there then. Sleeping on the couch it is for Treach. Better get used to that, or just move out. As for Jenna Jameson and John Wood, they missed the group sesh. How they were able to skip that while appearing on a show that mandates participation in such ridiculousness, we’re not entirely sure, but so be it.

Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Evel Dick and the Human Lie Detector