Tag Archives: brute-strength

Who Scored Big in Week Ten of SNL’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?

So… is it safe to talk about SNL again? While I was trying to get as much sleep as possible in the foxhole that I embedded myself in last night , I got the feeling that a few of you were not quite as happy with Saturday night’s show as I seemed to be. But here’s the thing: In the scorecard I did mention that (the now polarizing) Jeff Bridges was far from the best host of the season and that Saturday was also not the laugh-out-loud funniest show of the season. I’ll admit, perhaps this is a flaw with the scoring system used, but what the Bridges installment had was a plethora of sketches that received a score between six and seven. Bridges had eight “good” sketches and only four “bad.” Put it this way: if every sketch had been given a score of 6.5, it would be the top rated show of the season. Having said all of that, I still very much liked Saturday’s installment. OK, let’s get to the poll.

Original post:
Who Scored Big in Week Ten of SNL’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time-Player Relevancy Poll?

Hit Girl, Nina Sayers and Olive Pendergrass: The 10 Most Kick-Ass Females of 2010

There are thousands of forgettable female film characters piled into the IMD b database each year (Katherine Heigl’s Killers persona Jen Kornfeldt anyone?), but when it comes to inspiring movie females of the kick-ass variety, there are considerably fewer. With 2010 rapidly coming to a close, their impressive wit, intellect, resourcefulness, brute strength and emotional endurance deserve to be recognized! In our continued holiday-list making spirit , Movieline recalls its favorite women to kick ass at the multiplex in 2010. Feel free to nominate your own femmes phenomenal in the space below and let’s hope for many more of these exceptional females in the year to come.

Go here to see the original:
Hit Girl, Nina Sayers and Olive Pendergrass: The 10 Most Kick-Ass Females of 2010