As it turns out, Kim Kardashian does not always love being in the news. Not all publicity for this headline-generating reality star has been good publicity. Like the time Kim Kardashian lent her name to a line of cupcakes… and the time Kim Kardashian actually had her own credit card. 1. Kim’s Kupcakes Yes, Kardashian really did release her own line of cupcake mix in 2010 with the now-defunct brand Famous Cupcakes. One type was called “Va-Va-Va-Nilla,” which is really pretty awesome. We’re shocked this didn’t strike it big. 2. The Kardashian Kard This is what happens when alliteration goes too far. This prepaid debit card was slammed for its high fees and for the way it was marketed to young adults. 3. Kim Kan’t Sing It took a little while for Kim to understand her lane and to stay in it. It also took the release of this abysmal single. 4. She Tried to Act Kim won a Razzie due to her performance in Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor. It’s unclear whether Kardashian wants us to forget this more or Tyler Perry does. 5. She Played, and Lost, The Feud! In 2008, Kim and kompany competed on Celebrity Family Feud. They actually lost to Deion Sanders and his loved ones. 6. She Tried to Act, Vol. 2 Kim stopped by an episode of CSI: NY as Debbie, a woman whose fiance is accused of murder. No, this storyline was not based on Kris Humphries. View Slideshow
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11 Pop Culture Fails Kim Kardashian Wishes You’d Forget