Tag Archives: carbon-neutral

Radical Product Transparency Via Carbon Mapping- Highlight from Opportunity Green

Image via Leonardo Bonanni This past Thursday, at the business conference Opportunity Green , one panel entitled Next Generation Carbon Mapping: Radical Transparency and Truth in Advertising captured the attention of the standing room only audience at Los Angeles Center Studios. Copy paper was the medium but the message was about its carbon footprint. New Leaf Paper ,

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Radical Product Transparency Via Carbon Mapping- Highlight from Opportunity Green

Australian School Ditches Bottled Water, While Another Becomes First Carbon Neutral School

Claudia Saunders tests water bubbler. Photo: Marina Neil. Sydney Morning Herald While no longer breaking news, the endeavours of students and staff at two different Australian schools still merits attention. One school went bottled water free, whilst another became what they believe is the world’s first Carbon Neutral School. In the first instance, a student-led initiative at Monte Santʼ Angelo Mercy College, in North Sydney will see the school install six wa… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Australian School Ditches Bottled Water, While Another Becomes First Carbon Neutral School

The Oxford University Press’ "Word of the Year" is a Huge Scam

When I read that this year’s Oxford University Press Word of the Year is “unfriend” I began typing a post about interpersonal relations on the Internet. Then I realized that the Word of the Year is a huge scam. From today’s press release : Facebook fans will undoubtedly recognize the New Oxford American Dictionary’s 2009 Word of the Year, unfriend

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The Oxford University Press’ "Word of the Year" is a Huge Scam