Lady Gaga is a fucking clown who does anything to distract the world from her ugly fucking face. It’s like she created this whole act around trying to mask her ugliness and I guess it’s worked out in her favor, so maybe all you ugly people out there, and I know there are a lot of you reading this site, should take her lead and start wearing masks, oversized suglasses, hats, costumes, wigs and change the way you speak to sound like a stereotypical homosexual but instead of admitting that you are mockin’ and exploiting their lifestyle, give them a little attention and make them your fans, or some shit. Either way, she disgusts me and is pretty much the only person I hate in entertainment who I want to make a vow to stop writing about because it’s just repetitive and bores me, but when she’s got no pants, not shirt and is throwing a bouqet of flowes, I just gotta put it out there in hopes of making someone hate her enough to hunt her down and make her “disappear”…..or at least get people to stop buying her records and going to her shows….

Here is the original post:
Lady Gaga Has Not Pants On and Is Acting Ridiculous of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged around-trying, change-the-way, Hollywood, Lady GaGa, lifestyle, making-someone, much-the-only, pants, Pictures, records, Sex, she-disgusts, stop-writing, ugliness, wearing-masks