And just like that, another chapter is etched in the beef between Lil Wayne and the Miami Heat organization. This follows a spiteful move by Weezy Monday, May 5, after the Chicago Bulls defeated LeBron and Co. 93-86 in game one of the semi-finals in South Beach… Continue
The resignation of Rebecca Martinson from her Maryland sorority may have been less of a resignation and more of a directive by the chapter, sources say. The author of that hilariously, offensively, head-scratchingly insane sorority girl email left Delta Gamma this week amid the controversy she created. Sources close to the situation say Rebecca’s “resignation” came only after it was made clear that she could not stay, and would be booted imminently. “There was no way, just no way, they were letting her stay,” a UMD insider said of behind-the-scenes talks between DG sorority decision makers. Rebecca’s email rant to her Delta Gamma sisters – in which she unloaded on their alleged Greek Week activitiy shortcomings – leaked and went viral. She used CAPS LOCK a lot. She asked her pals is they are blind, dense and retarded. She called them f–gots. She threatened to “c–t punch” them. She said they were LITERALLY so F–KING BORING and AWKWARD and went on for an astonishingly long time in a borderline threatening tone. The sorority announced this week that Rebecca has resigned, posting a diplomatic statement on the web. But insiders say she had little choice. “She was forced out,” a source said. “They basically forced her to resign.” “It was made very clear by the sorority what she needed to do.” The sorority was in “don’t-blame-us mode” when Facebooking its announcement of Rebecca Martinson’s “resignation,” and wants this to blow over ASAP. Good luck with that? Perhaps the best part of all of this? Martinson, a college junior, was not the chapter president or in any real position of authority. Another source adds, “One of the weird things is she wasn’t really in charge of anything even though she made it seem like she was in that email.”
By now if you’ve seen one Harlem Shake video , you’ve kinda seen them all. Still, doing the viral “dance” craze while skydiving? That’s a must-watch! Harlem Shake – Skydiving The skydivers made note of the virtual deluge of Harlem Shake videos in making their own, calling this their way of “closing this chapter of the Internet.” “That’s why we decided to go out with style,” they said. You tell us: Is the Harlem Shake officially over? The song is #1 on Billboard , so that suggests otherwise. Check out some of our favorite videos below: Harlem Shake Video (Original) Harlem Shake Video Harlem Shake – Office Style Harlem Shake – Office Version Norwegian Army Harlem Shake Video Best Harlem Shake Video
Beyonce’s interview on Oprah’s “Next Chapter” has finally aired, and Bey went into intimate details about being a mother to daughter Blue Ivy, loving her…
Queen Bey talks about how Hova is her ‘foundation’ on ‘Oprah’s Next Chapter,’ airing Saturday at 8 p.m.. By Jocelyn Vena Beyonce on “Oprah’s Next Chapter” Photo: OWN
Speaking with, Trey Songz associated his latest album, Chapter V, debuting atop the Billboard 200 as proof that R&B music is still very much…
Singer opens up about his relationship with Selena Gomez on ‘Oprah’s Next Chapter,’ airing next month. By Jocelyn Vena Justin Bieber and Oprah together for “Oprah’s Next Chapter” Photo: Oprah/Twitter
Fergie’s been through a lot. In addition to overcoming drug addiction, she and Josh Duhamel have weathered multiple cheating allegations during their nine-year relationship. Fergie on Oprah’s Next Chapter “It was difficult,” she said on Oprah’s Next Chapter, for an interview airing this Sunday on OWN, crediting the hard times for her union’s present strength. “When you go through difficult times, it really makes you stronger as a unit, as a partnership. It does for us, anyways. Our love today is a deeper love, definitely.” “We’re stronger today definitely because of anything difficult that’s happened with us. We deal with it, we communicate; communicating’s the most important thing.” That’s not exactly a denial of Josh cheating with Nicole Forrester , is it? No. But Duhamel joined her on OWN to show how much he loves her. “Obviously I love to watch her perform and I love all the music, and I was attracted to her initially because of… how sexy she was and the hotness,” Duhamel said. “But we haven’t been together for nine years because of that. It’s because she’s, you know… we grew up in very similar ways, you know?” “We’ve both had to work for what we got. We’re both Catholic. There were a lot of things that were really compatible. But at the end of the day, she’s just an amazing girl.” Cute.
‘Catch My Breath’ is the lead single from Clarkson’s Greatest Hits – Chapter 1, due November 19. By Jocelyn Vena Kelly Clarkson’s “Catch My Breath” cover art Photo: RCA