Tag Archives: cheating-double

Bryon Bell: Tiger Woods’ BFF, Part-Time Pimp

In two interviews Sunday, Tiger Woods says no one close to him was aware of his many, many affairs. Well, except for the guy who used to set ’em up, logistically. “No one knew what was going or when it was going on,” he said. Well, someone was obviously coordinating details with the Tiger Woods mistresses on his behalf. He’s Tiger f*%king Woods. Mofo delegates . One can understand why he’d want to cover his buddy’s a$$, but come ON. We know he worked Tiger’s bone Rolodex. Newly released texts and emails by Tiger’s porn star mistress Joslyn James show just that – Tiger’s best pal Bryon Bell knew what was going on, and knew when. Bell planned it, after all, emailing her travel details and working out transportation for her, giving her his phone number and even offering her a lift personally. Bryon Bell: Tiger Woods’ friend and Joslyn James sex coordinator. “I’ll work out transportation. I will be in town so I may pick you up. Otherwise, I will have a car set up for you,” he wrote Veronica Daniels (James’ real name), from his work account at Tiger Woods Design, which he’s president of. Not as scandalous as the Tiger Woods text messages Joslyn James leaked last week, but another interesting step in her delayed mission to sabotage the golfer. Not that anyone should be surprised. When Rachel Uchitel flew to Australia to meet Tiger – the affair that first exposed his cheating double life – it was Byron who made arrangements, which the National Enquirer ultimately got wind of it. No word if he also did this for Tiger and Devon James . Either way, the rest, as they say is sordid, hilarious history that keeps on unraveling. Follow the jump for one of Bryon Bell’s emails with Joslyn James … Subject : Travel Info Date : Sun, 29 Apr 2007 16:38:46 -0400 From : bryon@tigerwoodsdesign.com To : joslynjames@hotmail.com Veronica, Here are your travel details for next week. US Airways (Passenger: Veronica Daniels) Confirmation Number: BBSREG Tuesday, May 1 Flight 702, Depart LAS at 11:25a, Arrive CLT at 6:34pm Wednesday, May 2 Flight 1009, Depart CLT at 7:55pm, Arrive LAS at 9:49pm I’ll work out transportation tomorrow. I will be in town so I may pick you up. Otherwise, I will have a car set up for you.