Tag Archives: chicks-dressed

Lindsay Lohan’s Upskirt Does Fashion Week of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is in France for Fashion Week and she’s not giving up…. so it is only natural that she’s not wearing pants as she spreads her legs and covers her face for the paparazzi cuz she knows what they want of her only to show off her floral panties I can only imagine smell like death in all their loveliness. I’m just disappointed the flowers are scabby labia. Here are some pics of her amazing tits….possibly real, likely the best teardrop implant money can buy, who cares where they are from, they are just nice to look at…. She’s hanging with Terry Richardson and her other groupies, cuz she’s still Lohan, she’s not dead yet, even if she looks like she will be soon, and bitch isn’t done with this famous celebrity shit yet… Here’s some zoom in on her getting out of the car…you know trying to stare at her amazing fake tits and hope for a vagina slip….in picture…cuz you are pathetic and this is as good as it gets for you…as real life doesn’t include chicks… Here’s some pics from another night of Fashion Week where Lohan didn’t really look like Lohan, it’s like she’s wearing some kind of swollen mask of an aged version of herself, in what may be the costume of the fucking Halloween Season but she’s got awesome fucking tits, haggard, old, washed up, drugged out, half dead or not…I just wish she let me fist her with my hands, face, anything that legendary night I met her… Here’s The Rest of the Lohan Upskirt Panty Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohan’s Upskirt Does Fashion Week of the Day

Kelly Brook Does Indiana Jones of the Day

I don’t understand virgin loser movie nerds get off to seeing busty chicks dressed like their favorite male movie characters…it’s almost like they have the Indiana Jones fantasy but are too embarrassed to jerk off to Indiana Jones, because that would make them gay, and despite being virgins, who have never experienced a vagina, so they don’t know if they even like it, they don’t feel the need to add more problems to their already pathetic lives….so instead they just wait for a bitch marketed as hot pussy, to get in costume to play out their fantasy, so that they don’t have to deal with their possible homosexuality and they can remain focus on what matters, math and absitinence by circumstances and not by choice…if you know what I mean…

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Kelly Brook Does Indiana Jones of the Day