I call this picture “the shave wasn’t too close and the ingrown hairs are itching me”…when really it’s most likely “I fucked a lot to get to where I am today, even though no one knows where I am today, I’m somewhere today…in a bikini touring…..and in doing that fucking hard….I broke my pussy…so that when I get into a bikini it looks mangled…but more importantly…when I get in salt water…it stings with great vengeance… Point being..she’s in a bikini masturbating…like the sexual deviant she is…but it’s likely medical related…maybe a fungal infection… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
[jwplayer mediaid=”199199″] Cindy Crawford’s daughter and her dad starred in this real creepy video – because she’s a younger version of his wife – almost identical – and he fucked his wife when she was a younger version of himself – and by default would probably want to fuck his daughter – if she wasn’t his daughter – and more importantly 12 years old – but still old enough to be prostituted to the industry by her parents – because they see dollar signs, despite having dollar signs, dude is from the Gerber empire and she’s Cindy Crawford…I mean come on… That said, I am not implying Gerber wants to bang his daughter, I’m just saying if he found Cindy Hot, he’d find the daughter hot, if the daughter wasn’t his daughter, and even if she was, he probably does, because that’s how penises work….. I am someone who grew up on 70s incest porn, who doesn’t have a daughter, so the idea of jerking off to my daughter if I did have a daughter – is probably a lot easier for me to stomach – than someone who actually has a daughter and just wants to nurture and protect her like a normal dad – who isn’t a sexual deviant…. But historically, rich bratty dudes are sexual deviant, model fuckers….who do weird shit with other rich friends and have great lawyers to get them off…just ask Trump and that Epstein dude… The post Cindy Crawford Daughter Clone and her dad of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
“Don’t hate because I’m in lingerie. Moms do that sometimes.” Padma Lakshmi is most famously known as being a sugar baby. The kind of girl who gets in her lingerie when it comes to seducing old billionaires. In such a dark and egotistical way that she pretends the baby she is carrying from one billionaire – belongs to another billionaire who was dying of cancer – only to ensure that baby – who wasn’t even that billionaire’s baby – get the fucking billion dollar inheritance…despite already having a billion dollar inheritance from the actual biological father…because she’s a fucking dirty, low level trick…who targets the high end john… She’s in her 50s, in her lingerie, demostrating tits that tricked men into making the creature that crawled out of her cunt…worth more than God… Terrible human being..but the tits are good…not worth billion dollar babies according to me..that she can prove otherwise with bank statements…but still good..for an old weathered cunt… The post Padma Lakshmi in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Heidi Klum is a 100 year old freak of nature. I am going to assume that dude with the MAKITA power tool is either with an Air Compressor, or a Staple gun to keep her GUNT in place… I mean that, or she’s a product of Nazi Germany, that wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of Humanity, and Heidi Klum’s life, and in being a product of Nazi Germany she’s both Genetically modified and ages great thanks to the good old genetic/human experiments designed in the BAYER labs when creating Asprin….and a sexual deviant who likes getting shit on or maybe she’s the one doing the shitty after being violated by Seal’s arm sized penis that made her a bunch of babies… There’s video….on her instagram… A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Sep 27, 2016 at 4:21pm PDT Here she is jumping into bed… A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Sep 29, 2016 at 5:21am PDT Here she is seducing you so over exposed you can’t tell she’s 100 years old…. A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Oct 1, 2016 at 7:09pm PDT Seriously…this is like some of those handjob tutorials you see in porn… A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Oct 2, 2016 at 3:52pm PDT The post Heidi Klum’s 100 Years Old Body Doing Bikini Shoots of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Bella Throne the 40 year old who pretended to be a 17 year old, to spend 3 months before her 18th birthday maximizing the perverts who like the on the verge of legal barely legals, just on the wrong side of legal, because it is exciting but close enough to legal so that it’s not overly creepy – in a “she’ll be 18 in 30 days, not much changes in 30 days”…and you’re right, in 30 days, you’ll still be the same basic fucking pervert… That said…she’s taken that attention she got at 17 turning 18 despite being 40…and she fucking rode it hard…strategically…not slutty…just “here’s my panties, because…”…kind of shit…and here’s her panties just because she’s fit as fuck…got a great body…and is a redhead which means a sexual deviant…possibly not really a human…with her super strength… TO SEE SOME OF HER LEGS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne Butt Shot of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Miranda Kerr still exists…so there is life after the organized crime ring of Victoria’s Secret…but more importantly, there is life after cheating on your probably gay husband Orlando Bloom, with Justin Bieber, in some pervert Australian sexual deviant with too much money, who likes to party hard because that’s what Australians do, whether they are models or not…and that life consists of the Asian market, but also billionaires who “date her”…and by “date her”…I mean have her on Payroll because all billionaires want Victoria’s Secret models to add to their collection of pussy they have been up inside…you know like a conversation piece for their weirdo rich person self involved conversations…. The post Miranda Kerr for W Korea of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I know these bikini ice bucket videos of McKayla Maroney are Three weeks old…but I figured I’d post them anyway, not because I am a fan of hers or think she’s hot…but because in her awkwardness, I always had a feeling she was a bit of sexual deviant, up on some Alyson Hannigan in American Pie band camp shit, where despite looking like a total stunted, 12 year old, coddled by her stage mom personality…she was actually loving the male attention…and even taking nudes…so basically, American Gold Medal hero…was producing underage pornography – but she won’t go to jail for it… She’ll just hit the gym in her gymnast leotard, to get your weird gymnast fetishes going, you sexual deviant…pretending her nudes didn’t happen..when clearly they happened…because that’s what her lawyers said…. I know not very exciting stuff, but I’m hungover so it’s good enough. TO SEE PICS OF HER IN A ONE PIECE AT THE GYM CLICK HERE
I know these bikini ice bucket videos of McKayla Maroney are Three weeks old…but I figured I’d post them anyway, not because I am a fan of hers or think she’s hot…but because in her awkwardness, I always had a feeling she was a bit of sexual deviant, up on some Alyson Hannigan in American Pie band camp shit, where despite looking like a total stunted, 12 year old, coddled by her stage mom personality…she was actually loving the male attention…and even taking nudes…so basically, American Gold Medal hero…was producing underage pornography – but she won’t go to jail for it… She’ll just hit the gym in her gymnast leotard, to get your weird gymnast fetishes going, you sexual deviant…pretending her nudes didn’t happen..when clearly they happened…because that’s what her lawyers said…. I know not very exciting stuff, but I’m hungover so it’s good enough. TO SEE PICS OF HER IN A ONE PIECE AT THE GYM CLICK HERE
Paris Hilton is the fucking devil, swine, garbage, filthy shit filled shell of a human and I am not just saying that because I feel I need to defend the gay man….because for the longest time I thought Paris Hilton was a gay man. Truth be told, I have made similar jokes about gay people, but I am a horrible person…. Just this morning I was regretting a drunken hot tub session with 2 dudes in a loft in the gay village, because I figure and googled to see if AIDS virus can live in the petri dish that is a hot tub petri…. But then again I like laughing at stereotypes like gay guys having AIDS….and luckily cares about what I say or listen to what I say…. And every gay guy I know is fucking horny….a sexual deviant, but that is just because every guy I have every met would be a sexual deviant, if the girls we fuck allowed us to be….It’s like gay sex has no referee or police or moody bitch who has PMS and emotions to get in the way of hardcore ass fucking or some shit…. I can still say with confidence, that we are all God’s Children, some of my best friends are gay and I love everyone equally, or that I am indifferent about everyone equally, except maybe Paris Hilton, who I actually hate….. The irony in all this is that she is probably the one with AIDS, because like the gays, she’s a horny, damaged, rich girl who should be fucking shot for her public hate crimes…who made porn even though she didn’t have to…unprotected and who is known for having herpes…always a sign of a clean girl…. They conveniently recorded the conversaition cuz it is an inside job and she remains the fucking worst… TO HEAR THE AUDIO – FOLLOW THIS LINK
I don’t understand virgin loser movie nerds get off to seeing busty chicks dressed like their favorite male movie characters…it’s almost like they have the Indiana Jones fantasy but are too embarrassed to jerk off to Indiana Jones, because that would make them gay, and despite being virgins, who have never experienced a vagina, so they don’t know if they even like it, they don’t feel the need to add more problems to their already pathetic lives….so instead they just wait for a bitch marketed as hot pussy, to get in costume to play out their fantasy, so that they don’t have to deal with their possible homosexuality and they can remain focus on what matters, math and absitinence by circumstances and not by choice…if you know what I mean…