Psychology Today recently published an article called “Have Scientists Finally Discovered Evidence for Psychic Phenomena?!” an unfortunately minor exegesis regarding the large amount of “psychic” data that has appeared recently in peer-reviewed publications. The article highlights Dr. Daryl Bem's research into “seeing into the future” and “retrograde priming study” which appropriately echoes Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s work for the last few decades (morphogenetic field theory). Regarding telepathy, Sheldrake has said, “I think all social animals have such fields…I think it’s a normal means of communication…I don’t think it’s paranormal, I think it’s normal. I don’t think it’s supernatural, I think it’s natural. I think it’s essentially a form of animal communication within groups.” We all know the feeling of falling in love with an individual or being close with a friend or family member or group; and when separated from each other we find each other thinking or feeling the exact same thing. How many times have you answered the phone and exclaimed, “I was just thinking of you—hard!” This “entangled minds” phenomena is the basis of one of Dr. Dean Radin’s book of the same title. Rumors of psychic abilities have steadily been bleeding in from the fringes and into the mainstream culture for the past century. From Princeton’s Engineering Anomalies Research laboratories, to government funded remote viewing projects at Stamford Research Institute, to the models of Campbell, Sheldrake, Wolf, and Radin to name a few, science (“the religion of the west”) is under pressure, now more than ever, to address the problem of consciousness—the measurer of all measurements. more at link… Through the rigorous program of Remote Viewing, it is possible for an individual to tap into the extra-sensory powers of the brain. Obviously, throughout history, individuals have had more natural proclivity for these abilities just as some are more athletic, smarter, etc., that we call psychic. I know the potential for telepathy and Star Wars force-like ability is inherent in our brains. We're just too busy building computers and robots supplanting our minds, instead of striving for the limits of our potential and making that quantum leap of faith towards a new Renaissance for humanity. added by: rodstradamus
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged Breaking News, celeb news, clarence house, content, Hollywood, other-thinking, phone, psych, religion, remote-viewing, research, scientists, supernatural