Tag Archives: cleavage-part

At Least Mariah Carey’s Breasts Are Still Plump

Apparently Mariah Carey is claiming she lost 70 lbs after her recent pregnancy, I’m guessing most of that was the two children that fell out of her vagina, and was just introduced as one of the new spokesladies for Jenny Craig . Here she is showing off her new slim-ish figure in a red dress. She always looks the same to me. That’s because all I ever look at are her big fat chesticles. Don’t ever change girls.

Mariah Carey’s Incredible Cleavage

It’s no secret that I love big fat boobies, so when I get pictures like this featuring Mariah Carey flashing some of the most impressive cleavage I’ve seen since my bar mitzvah days, I’m all over it. Mariah isn’t exactly a small woman, so seeing her stuffed tightly into her little dress shouldn’t be a good sight, but somehow those massive boobs make everything alright. Come on, those things are pretty damn impressive. Ancient man would sacrifice virgins to these things. Enjoy. more pictures of Mariah Careyhere

Mariah Carey’s Big Boobs Go To Prom

After complaining about all the attention her Golden Globes dress was getting, saying that the shoulders were covered and she doesn’t know what all the fuss is about, here’s Mariah Carey in some sort of shitty 80’s prom dress performing the other day. According to her this dress must be so revealing, look at those shoulders… What a hussy!! Anyhow, I miss her big Golden Globe boobies already.

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Mariah Carey’s Big Boobs Go To Prom

Mariah Carey’s Globes Are Golden

I promised myself I wouldn’t make any shitty jokes about the women at The Golden Globes and their sweet “Golden Globes”, but these pictures of Mariah Carey ….. Come on! I wish I was clever enough to come up with something else, but really, I’m having a lot of difficulty concentrating right now

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Mariah Carey’s Globes Are Golden

Mariah Carey’s Fat Cleavage For Unicef

Here’s Mariah Carey at The 2009 Unicef Snowflake Ball. Knowing that Unicef is all about world hunger, I’m pretty sure Mariah and her fat boobies could feed a small 3rd world country

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Mariah Carey’s Fat Cleavage For Unicef

Mariah Carey Is Busting Out Of Her Dress

Mariah Carey appeared on Letterman the other night and once again she stuffed her fat boobies into a skin tight dress. I know many of you guys love Mariah with all this extra junk, and to be honest when we get pictures of mostly her upper half, I do too. She looks very comfortable

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Mariah Carey Is Busting Out Of Her Dress

Mariah Carey Swimsuit Pictures

Here’s tubby Mariah Carey stuffed tightly into a couple of weight inappropriate swimsuits for what looks like her latest music video. This has got bad news written all over it. If she’s not careful rolling around in the sand like that, the locals are going to cover her in wet towels, clear her blow hole and roll her back into the ocean.

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Mariah Carey Swimsuit Pictures

Mariah Carey Is So Fat She Can Barely Walk

Mariah Carey was on Leno last night and she almost fell flat on her fat ass. I guess she’s not used to supporting all that extra weight, especially the upper front load… so I can understand the equilibrium problem.

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Mariah Carey Is So Fat She Can Barely Walk

Mariah Carey Squeezes Into A Pair Of Daisy Dukes

Here’s chubster Mariah Carey squeezing herself into a pair of Daisy Dukes as if she was still in her twenties. I guess the only good thing about Mariah gaining weight is that the buttons on her shirt are holding on to their lives so that they don’t expose her fake guns.

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Mariah Carey Squeezes Into A Pair Of Daisy Dukes

Mariah Carey’s Breasts Are PHAT!

Last week I mentioned that Mariah Carey seems to have put on a lot of weight in all the wrong places . I think I may have misspoken, because here she is at the screening of ‘Precious’ looking more than a little top heavy.

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Mariah Carey’s Breasts Are PHAT!