Tag Archives: closed-doors

Ashley Graham Is The First Plus-Size Model To Cover U.S. Maxim

Ashley Graham makes her ‘Maxim’ debut for its April issue.

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Ashley Graham Is The First Plus-Size Model To Cover U.S. Maxim

Ashley Graham Is The First Plus-Size Model To Cover U.S. Maxim

Ashley Graham makes her ‘Maxim’ debut for its April issue.

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Ashley Graham Is The First Plus-Size Model To Cover U.S. Maxim

Having A Secret Girlfriend Made Me Feel Like I Was Going Back In The Closet

Behind closed doors, I felt Alex saw me. So I started lying. And soon, it felt almost natural.

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Having A Secret Girlfriend Made Me Feel Like I Was Going Back In The Closet

Having A Secret Girlfriend Made Me Feel Like I Was Going Back In The Closet

Behind closed doors, I felt Alex saw me. So I started lying. And soon, it felt almost natural.

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Having A Secret Girlfriend Made Me Feel Like I Was Going Back In The Closet

Tyrese And Tank Go At It Like High School Girls On Instagram

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There are just some arguments that should happen behind closed doors, like this one between former TGT members.

Tyrese And Tank Go At It Like High School Girls On Instagram

Setting Rules for Capital and Liquidity

Felix Salmon submits: Kevin Drum and I had a thrilling discussion about liquidity risk and capital ratios over lunch on Friday. He sums up: Getting Congress and the Fed to impose higher and more rigid capital requirements on big financial institutions is important, but what’s even more important is getting an international agreement in place to make sure everyone else does it too. However, there’s really no one who does a good job of reporting on this. Largely this is because the discussions are all held behind closed doors, so we only hear about the status of negotiations when someone like Larry Summers or Mervyn King drops hints in a speech. It’s like reporting on the intelligence community, except worse. Complete Story

Amber Rose Stupid Tits in Stupid Glasses of the Day

I don’t like Amber Rose. I don’t find anything interesting about her and I hate the way she dresses like she’s some kind of robot from the future. I find it fucking annoying, but I do like tits, so I guess Kanye’s theory that no one will catch onto his homosexuality, or the fact that he just likes Amber Rose to shop with and talk about boys with, and not to titty fuck her or get her pregnant, as long as she shows off her tits and ass and keeps up her moderate sex appeal while staying moderately masculine with a shaved head to make his idiot fans jealous enough to ignore the truth while allowing him to keep up the lie by not throwing up when he rubs her hand in her hair because this way he can pretend she’s a dude when he closes his eyes to kiss her for the media…. People with money and success always do this keeping up appearances shit because rappers aren’t liked as much when they suck dick or get fucked up the ass by white men (because he’s racist) to get off and I blame it all on him being raised without a daddy… Broken homes make for broken rectum thanks to all the white men he lets inside him behind closed doors, but in front of closed doors, it’s this tryin’ hard to be a “sex robot” to disract you from the wad of cum dripping off his chin… Pics via Fame

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Amber Rose Stupid Tits in Stupid Glasses of the Day

Lamar Odom Insists on Prenup; Khloe Kardashian Wedding to Be a Fake?

A day prior to her wedding, Khloe Kardashian has something old (father Bruce Jenner); something new (her breasts); something borrowed (the spotlight); and something blue (a sad sister Kim for being shoved out of said spotlight). She also has a lawyer.

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Lamar Odom Insists on Prenup; Khloe Kardashian Wedding to Be a Fake?

Miley Cyrus Takes It From Behind

We were happy to hear that Miley Cyrus took the stripper pole out of her new concert tour. That thing was really inappripriate for a 16-year old.

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Miley Cyrus Takes It From Behind