Tag Archives: complete-nobody

Sophie Turner Is A Sexy Pocahontas

Is it just me or do Halloween and attention seeking hot girls go together just perfectly? Here’s Hot nobody Sophie Turner looking awesome in her sexy Pocahontas costume. I love it. She may be a complete nobody, but she’s pretty damn gorgeous and has an incredible body. She’s skinny, but has plumb breasts and a great round booty. That’s special. Pocahotass!!

Ashley Tisdale And Julianne Hough Bikini Pictures

I make a lot of jokes about Ashley Tisdale being a complete nobody, I still don’t know what she’s famous for, but I have to admit that the chick seems to know everybody. Here she is hanging out in her bikini and looking hot with Julianne Hough the other day. Why the hell would these two know each other? Not that I really care, I have no problems with picture of two chicks hanging out half naked together. I’m not a complete loser. Enjoy.

Ashley Tisdale And Julianne Hough Bikini Pictures

I make a lot of jokes about Ashley Tisdale being a complete nobody, I still don’t know what she’s famous for, but I have to admit that the chick seems to know everybody. Here she is hanging out in her bikini and looking hot with Julianne Hough the other day. Why the hell would these two know each other? Not that I really care, I have no problems with picture of two chicks hanging out half naked together. I’m not a complete loser. Enjoy.

Audrina Patridge’s Body Is Gonna Get Tighter

This Dancing With The Stars garbage is normally a pretty good workout that turns half decent soft chicks into hard bodied half decent chicks, so I’m looking forward to what’s going to happen to Audrina Patridge’s tight little body. Here she is leaving the DWTS studios in her sweet tight spandex looking pretty damn hot. For a complete nobody she’s actually got a pretty damn good body on her which is just going to get better. As long as her big fake boobs don’t change I’m good.

Lauren Conrad Upskirt Cover Up

This is pretty dammed annoying, who does Lauren Conrad think she is? Covering up the goods at some fashion show. Does she realize that she’s a complete nobody

Continued here:
Lauren Conrad Upskirt Cover Up