Tag Archives: concert-being

Megan Fox’s New Face in Cosmo of the Day

Mom of 2, Megan Fox, hit Cosmo this month to show off her new Robotic face that she got in honour of not being cast in the new Transformers, but rather being replaced by a younger, hotter version of her for the second time, because Megan Fox was never a talented actress, and really she was never that hot…she just went viral and it wasn’t very sustainable, not when her 90210 creeper was locking her up and tampering with her birth control to trap her forever and destroy her career like he did to his own career….because that’s what getting them when they are young and brainwashing them is all about…

Megan Fox’s New Face in Cosmo of the Day

Miley For Playing With Puppies with Terry Confuses Me of the Day

I find it interesting that Miley Cyrus will post pictures of herself, her vagina, her nipples for the sake of doing it…on stage, in paparazzi pics, with her cellular…but when she links up with Terry Richardson, who I am sure is her really good friend, because most 50 year olds and 20 year olds get along famously, when the 50 year old is taking half naked pics of the 20 year old in a basement somewhere…and shit turns out boring… So she’s Frenching her dog, after her last dog got killed…but she’s fully clothed, that’s not like Miley or like Terry. They are fucking with us… To she her slutty in concert being slutty CLICK HERE

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Miley For Playing With Puppies with Terry Confuses Me of the Day