It’s a good thing Momsen dresses in lingerie and talks about vibrators while being underage, because I just took a look at her face, instead of staring at her crotch looking for vagina lip and realized bitch looks just like Lady Gaga. Maybe they are related. They both got a weak chin, shitty nose, weird mouth and behind the big glasses, shitty hair dye, fake rocker act, she’s nothing but ugly….The only thing bitch has going for her is that she’s skinny…but that never lasts…so take the young body in while you can…ignore the face cuz when they are 17…they don’t come in ugly, they come in “Shit I’d love to fuck that if it wasn’t illegal”…..cuz we always like what we can’t have…but trust me, once she turns 18, she’ll be joining JoJo in pussy we stopped lusting for on their 18th birthday… So here she in on set, being annoying with her Pa-Pa-Pa-pokerface. I know…I just quoted Gaga and now i want to Gag AHHHHHHHH.

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Taylor Momsen is Only Hot Cuz She’s Underage of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged behind-the-big, being-annoying, bikini sluts, crotch, fake-rocker, Hollywood, Nsfw, Pictures, stopped-lusting, take-the-young, taylor-momsen, TMZ