Tag Archives: cushy-career

Marlo Chalmers Calls Out Groupies of the Day

This is a pretty funny story that almost reminds me of how I deal with all my fans…except that I don’t have fans…and if I do they are likely too busy murdering small animals in the field outside their trailer park for both dinner and their taxidermy hobby…. But Miami Heat champion Marlo Chalmers got called out on twitter by some groupie hookers….and he responded to those groupies and it made me laugh…. Now I don’t cover sports, but I do like to laugh at fame whores, you know the gold diggers that want that life so bad…as much as I laugh at famous whores…and this made me laugh…if only all groupie trash was called out….it’d make the world a better place….

See the rest here:
Marlo Chalmers Calls Out Groupies of the Day

Martha Hunt for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Martha….is one of the least attractive names the English language has to offer…I am sure there are worse…but just saying it makes me feel like I am simulating throwing up on myself while drunk with a mouth full of dog shit…..I am also sure there are worse names in other languages and cultures…but when you put it on a thin, tall, half naked blonde chick who the Victoria’s Secret monsters have got their hands on first…it suddenly sounds like angels singing from heaven….it’s like jerking off to phone sex girl with a nice voice pretending she’s not actually 400 lbs and eating donuts while pretending to finger herself..and that the sounds of a lubricated pussy is in fact a lubricated pussy and not her just slapping her greasy belly button….you know Martha…when it looks like this…is the prettiest name around…

Continued here:
Martha Hunt for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Helen Flanagan for Instagram of the Day

Last week…..at least I think it was last week…I posted the video that goes along with these pics ….of Helen Flanagan doing some sexy Jockey viral video shit for a betting site….well Helen Flanagan has gone on to post some of the pics from the shoot….that focus on what’s important about her craft…and that is her boobs… The interesting thing about this busty UK starlet, is that she only exists because she was on a Soap Opera…something all the Glamour models wish they would land….but instead of riding out a cushy career on TV…she quit and decided to become a Glamour model…because I guess her dad didn’t hug her enough growing up…and her tits…her tits just wanted to be celebrated more than they were on TV… Her whole career path is insane, but not as insane as the fact that I am writing about it….

Helen Flanagan for Instagram of the Day