Tag Archives: dakota-johnson

Elsa Hosk Possible See Through to Nipples of the Day

Elsa Hosk is an old timer model because she’s pushing 30, but only a recent player in the Victoria’s Secret scene, probably in the last 3 years, which I guess in a 10 year career of a model is the equivalent of 10 years of her career, and really it’s the only years that matter, where she’s getting paid – because prior to VS she was doing titty photoshoots like a thirsty instagram girl…only in her case, it worked on a bigger scale than most instagram girls, who really only get sugardaddies out of the whole thing…. She’s at an event, apparently you can see a tit, I don’t see a tit, I see what looks like a trashy, old, tired, rough around the edges, Russian despite being Sweeden, Titty model that pulled a scam and got into VS because Candice wanted a break and this one looked most like her…but who knows…. Here are some of her lingerie pics for the Evil Panty Emperor….. The post Elsa Hosk Possible See Through to Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk Possible See Through to Nipples of the Day

Ali Michael Nipples of the Day

Ali Michael is a hipster model who is constantly naked. She has never really hit that big – but she still exists and she still gets booked for editorials and campaigns…and she is still trying…. She’s just one of the thousands of interchangeable bitches….but in trying to break through…at 26….the chances are she’s as “at her peak”….as possible, but it is possible that the friends she’s made being a scenester means she may be involved in more….maybe movies…who knows it’s all so incestuous and repetitive..and it’s all based on who you know…and we can assume she knows or has known some important connected people in her 7 years doing this… This shoot has some nipple, I just like it because it is horror themed, which I am into and a whore in horror, how could you go wrong…at least as a spectator staring at pics of random girls I don’t know all day…like ME!! Hard to be a hater when you’re not the one putting in the work to make this magic happen, but not really…we call it being in the peanut gallery…I don;’t need to produce garbage to know it’s garbage…I just need to look at it and wonder why people bother producing shit like this…seems like a waste of time….. The post Ali Michael Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ali Michael Nipples of the Day

Dakota Johnson Butt’s Still in a Bikini of the Day

Dakota Johnson is still in a bikini in Miami…in fact, she’s been in 10 bikinis in the last few days, because she’s clearly working with the paparazzi to get press, to get in to the media, to promote 50 Shades because 50 shades of a waste of my fucking time because the story and the sex in that shit is too lame for me, and the fact some weirdo internet woman make hundreds of millions off it is too irritating for me…. So they are like “hey Dakota, we’re going to send you to Miami, not to mourn your dad’s only relevant role in his career, that put miami on the map, making him the ambassador of miami….and you the princess of miami….but to GET paparazzi bikini pics for people to stare at your ass, hopefully want to fuck you, and go buy movie tickets to jerk off in theater like PeeWee Herman. THink of this as foreplay, yes we don’t advocate people jerking off in public to you, but if it happened it would be a good sing that at least someone finds you hot, plus they paid for the ticket to make it happen, and we need all the ticket sales we can get”…… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dakota Johnson Butt’s Still in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dakota Johnson Butt’s Still in a Bikini of the Day

Fifty Shades Darker: Teaser & Poster Released!

Mr. Grey will see you… in February 2017! The sequel to the hit movie is just months away and we could not be more excited.  Sure, it was ludicrous in every sense of the imagination, but we must know what happens next.  Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson will return as Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, respectively.  The movie will center on the continued relationship between Grey and Steele, but their relationship will take a darker turn.  We’re not sure that was even possible, but we’ll for sure be watching the movie.  The official poster is as elegant as you would imagine. Naturally, Grey is putting a masquerade ball mask on Steele. Should we have expected anything less? This is a movie about BDSM.  She looks very happy to have it on and even poses for the camera.  The teaser trailer for the new movie was also uploaded to Instagram.  This comes one day before the official trailer is set to make its way on to the internet.  Fans will no doubt be super happy with the teaser.  Obviously, it doesn’t give much away.  It’s more of a taster before the full trailer is released.  A video posted by Fifty Shades Darker (@fiftyshadesmovie) on Sep 12, 2016 at 8:02am PDT There has been a huge amount of press surrounding reports that Jamie Dornan wanted out of the role, but that’s far from the case.  The second and third movies were shot back-to-back and production is now complete, so he’s completed the work he was contracted.  There is word that a fourth movie in the franchise could be made, but this would depend on whether E.L James was open to writing another novel in the series.  There’s also a possibility that a movie version could be made from Christian’s perspective. It wouldn’t be all that interesting, but it would probably make some more money for the studio.  The first movie was critically panned, but it managed to make $571 million at the worldwide box office.  That’s hardly a number to sneeze at considering the production budget was $40 million.  The movie could make a lot less this time round and still be considered a huge success.  There is a chance that the negative reaction to the first movie could echo through to the sequel. That happen a lot with movies.  If you release a turd, don’t expect the fans to return.  Maybe a turd is a strong word to use, but the quality of the finished product did not live up to the huge hype.  What do you think of the latest intel on the movie? Should the third one be the end of the franchise? Hit the comments below!

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Fifty Shades Darker: Teaser & Poster Released!

Revisiting the Dakota Johnson See Through Bikini of the Day

Dakota Johnson had the biggest day of her life yesterday – she was topless on set of the new 50 Shades of pathetic women masturbating to basic and easy to understand erotic storylines that are accessible enough for them to not feel guilty about because it’s not officially porn – it’s literature – that might as well be porn – based on how it is used – but that is marketed to every drug store and check out line across america to taunt or titillate every wife and mother bored to fucking death with the life she chose – but unwilling to get off her ass and get her fuck on – so fantasy is her only escape because why live the life you want or think you want – and why do things that make you cum – when you can just imagine them from the comfort of your shitty – middle of the road existence…filled with average sex even shitty sex with a half hard fat husband…. Doing her dad Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith’s, stepdaughter Antonio Banderas’ and grandmother Alfred Hitchcock’s Tippi Hedren proud by doing things her own way – challenging her natural talent – what she was born into – because tits for art aren’t tits – even though she’s already got money and a trust fund and doesn’t need to be naked in front of the world… Well – it turns out the bikini is see through…YOU CAN SEE HER VAGINA. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Revisiting the Dakota Johnson See Through Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Revisiting the Dakota Johnson See Through Bikini of the Day

Dakota Johnson Topless Tanning of The Day

I don’t find Dakota Johnson hot or interesting, I’m sure she’s fine, but she’s just so average looking and boring looking, it doesn’t due her third generation spoiled Hollywood brat justice… She’s filming 50 Shades of Grey’s Anatomy…because she’s a survivor…a true story of overcoming adversity….and the struggles and challenges of being third generation Hollywood. You know she could have tried to be an instagram model, but she’s too old, she could have died of a heroin overdose at 15 or 16, because being Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith’s daughter, Antonio Banderas’ stepdaughter, Hitchcock’s Tippi Hedren’s granddaughter, is enough to make her rich and annoying… But I guess she’s still rich and annoying, but likes to keep busy while following or continuing the family scam as the third generation vapid, self involved, “Actress”… She’s managed to break down that really big wall we call the barrier of entry into Hollywood, by becoming her own name getting in 50 Shades of Grey….we call the struggle of being family friends with producers, casting agents, directors, and having gone to school with all of them… Either way, she’s tanning topless in the new movie, the sequel. Racy. 50 year old women who work as Walmart greeters and who soaked their panties reading these books in their shitty small town trailer park homes…are probably dripping to see this….everyone deserves to cum sometimes, you just happen to take that to the extreme with your chronic masturbation. It’s the only thing you got going for you. The post Dakota Johnson Topless Tanning of The Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dakota Johnson Topless Tanning of The Day

Christian Grey And Anastasia Steele Are Making Out On The Set Of Fifty Shades Darker Right Now

Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson kiss on the set of Fifty Shades Darker .

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Christian Grey And Anastasia Steele Are Making Out On The Set Of Fifty Shades Darker Right Now

31 Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Questions I Had Watching Zoolander For The First Time

Someone please explain the OG “Zoolander” to me.

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31 Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Questions I Had Watching Zoolander For The First Time

31 Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Questions I Had Watching Zoolander For The First Time

Someone please explain the OG “Zoolander” to me.

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31 Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Questions I Had Watching Zoolander For The First Time

How To Be Single Is A Good Lesson In How Not To Be A Smart, Subversive Rom-Com

Groan and swipe right. Dakota Johnson and Rebel Wilson are wasted here.

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How To Be Single Is A Good Lesson In How Not To Be A Smart, Subversive Rom-Com