As much as I love seeing Arya Stark become a complete and total badass on Game of Thrones, I don’t know if I’m ready for Maisie Williams in a bikini. I guess there is nothing any of us can do about it. Time moves forward and there is nothing we can do to stop it. … read more
So, after staring at these Instagram posts of Dakota Fanning in a sexy swimsuit hanging out with her friends on a boat I can’t help, but wonder why doesn’t Dakota Fanning do more movies that have her in bathing suits? … read more
I’m all for Dakota Fanning doing more modeling and fewer movies — I’ve been calling for her to start living up to her hottie potential for a while now. But this shot of her looking like a psycho Cirque de Soleil reject for V Magazine isn’t exactly what I had in mind… I meant bikinis and lingerie shoots, not whatever the hell we’re calling this.
We have countdowns for almost everything these days, but I think we need to add one more, the countdown to when Dakota Fanning will become everyone’s favorite leading lady. Yes, it’s only a matter of time before we all go to bed and dream about falling in love with Dakota Fanning. … read more
Here’s some Dakota Fanning getting some free shit because OSCARS!! Good thing she doesn’t need to spend that hard earned money on buying her own shit…good thing she can focus that insane amount of money she has for doing very little of substance for herself…and just use her celebrity as a currency to get free shit…good thing she gets paid stupid amounts of money so that she doesn’t need to spend it on useless CHANEL things…because that would be wrong to pay her all this money and expect her to carry a brand’s bag for free… I understand why celebs don’t pay for shit, because shit like Chanel actually costs very little to produce, a 30,000 dollar purse costs that brand 300 bucks, so to give a bitch like Dakota Fanning a 300 dollar purse that they pretend is 20,000 dollars, sells a lot of purses, and even if it’s just one, they’ve already made 100 times their money.. I just think it’s funny that rich people get everything for free, but not as funny as the faces that Dakota Fanning…CHILD OSCAR NOMINEE is making… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dakota Fanning in a Tight Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
This is not the first time a Husky has tried to prove that he can talk like a human. Remember that dog who sat on his owner's lap and attempted to speak instead of bark? And who sort of succeeded at doing so ? We're reminded of that footage as we watch the video above, in which a Husky responds to his owner's affection cries by doing his best to drop the L word. And then responds negatively when referred to as “stupid.” You gotta love it! And while we're on the subject of Huskies, you've gotta love this pet, who flipped out upon being introduced to her new tiny master.