I guess Bella Thorne still does real photoshoots in between her Snapchat ones every once in a while, and here’s a few shots from her latest “modeling” “job.” And I don’t know about you guys, but I think I still prefer Bella’s solo work. Sure, we’re getting some pretty sweet underboob here, but with Bella, we get the whole thing .
Instagram comedian, Eastside Ivo, has been getting some backlash after a gasoline prank he did went wrong. Known for doing outrageous pranks like pouring “gasoline” on his head in a Target, someone decided to do a very similar prank inside of a Little Ceaser in Detroit. Things went south when another person inside the shop decided […]
Not often in life are we faced with a question, which the answer to is either yes or hell yes. But when comes the question is Jennifer Lawrence one of the most beautiful women on the planet, the answer is either yes or hell yes. … read more
Here’s some Dakota Fanning getting some free shit because OSCARS!! Good thing she doesn’t need to spend that hard earned money on buying her own shit…good thing she can focus that insane amount of money she has for doing very little of substance for herself…and just use her celebrity as a currency to get free shit…good thing she gets paid stupid amounts of money so that she doesn’t need to spend it on useless CHANEL things…because that would be wrong to pay her all this money and expect her to carry a brand’s bag for free… I understand why celebs don’t pay for shit, because shit like Chanel actually costs very little to produce, a 30,000 dollar purse costs that brand 300 bucks, so to give a bitch like Dakota Fanning a 300 dollar purse that they pretend is 20,000 dollars, sells a lot of purses, and even if it’s just one, they’ve already made 100 times their money.. I just think it’s funny that rich people get everything for free, but not as funny as the faces that Dakota Fanning…CHILD OSCAR NOMINEE is making… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dakota Fanning in a Tight Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
2015 has been a great year, especially when it comes to getting some long awaited classics on Blu-ray for the first time! Here are six Blu-ray releases from 2015 we love and which you shouldn’t live without! Hit the jump for more pics and info…
Because the only thing better than one Victoria’s Secret hottie is two of them, here’s Elsa Hosk and my latest discovery Romee Strijd getting some food in between takes while shooting their new commercial. And I think this might just be the craziest fantasy we’ve had on the site to date. I mean, I’ve got no problems fantasizing about two super-hot Victoria’s Secret models hanging out in robes together, but eating lunch? Even I’m having a tough time believing that part. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews
Look at that wittle face! Who Is My Rapper Mom? A certain chubby cheeked little girl is getting some Instagram shine from her rap royalty mommy. This bouncing baby girl was born in June to two rappers and has been rarely seen in the public eye. She also has a VERY unique name. Do you know who her rapper mommy is???? Hit the flip to find out…