Tag Archives: dance-practice

DJ Juicy M in a Bikini for XXL Ukraine of the Day

The DJ game got ridiculous a few years ago…. I am not into the whole party scene, DJ scene purist down with the hip hop scene, but I do know that there was a time dudes had to buy records, make their own records, to get booked shows where on the high end they’d make 2,000 dollars maybe 5,000 if they were fucking hero DJ, which in and of itself is a retarded concept…. The MP3 dropped, destroyed vinyl, or actual investment in music…blogs told all these idiot posers what to play instead of instinct…technology and programs made DJing easy…then DJs became rockstars and made 50,000 dollars a show…and bitches like this decided to add DJing to their modeling…to give them an edge….and people responded….and the whole thing is so stupid…that I can’t help but love it…cuz party sluts playing music for party sluts is the premise of all my sexual fantasies… Her name is DJ Juicy M and she’s probably a clown in the DJ booth playing pre-mixed sets and moving like she was Paris Hilton, but hot in a bikini….I’m into her playing the soundtrack of my life via my dick.

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DJ Juicy M in a Bikini for XXL Ukraine of the Day

J.Lo in a Bikini Getting Mounted by a K-Fed of the Day

You wanna know what this Casper the Friendly Gold Digger is thinking right about now….”Too bad she’s menopausal”… True fucking story, cuz knocking up a bitch like J.Lo means being set for fucking life…and really the fact that she’s J.Lo makes her semi more interesting than the dudes he was banging before her, you know at dance practice…before deciding it was time to go straight, cuz being gay was a one way ticket to HIV…and J.Lo’s life was so glamorous and appealing…. I hate J.Lo, she is too old, trying too hard, but even I’d consider trying to knock her up for the private jets. I’m a user like that….I’d even pu up with her bullshit cuz it is better than thankless work…it’s just too bad she’s menopausal and can’t get knocked up….I’m with you Casper the friendly gold digger….but keep on trying…maybe it’ll stick…Lottery winning every day. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the original post here:
J.Lo in a Bikini Getting Mounted by a K-Fed of the Day

Ashley Greene Boring in Spandex of the Day

The only thing interesting about this Ashley Greene pig is that she’s dating a Jonas Brother. I know that may sound really fucking queer, but the one thing I’ve learned about motherfuckers with stupid fame and money who play all wholesome and virginal out of respect to Jesus’ and his followers’ best interest for marketing purposes, is that they like to have the dirtiest raging cock and viagra parties to make up for the oppressing of natural human instincts, if you know what I mean… So Ashley Greene, something that seems fucking boring on the outside, never giving pussy puppet shows for her fans, cuz she knows she’s made it and has a solid fan bases that’s not going anywhere, is probably far more exciting than we could ever imagine. which is exactly where you want her to be cuz you think she’s as hot as she does….but I’m thinking my theory is wishful thinking that all pussy is slut and that no pussy is dull as this one seems to be… Oh well, here are the pics of her leaving the gym, or whatever boring bullshit she’s doing…boring….showing off bruises you can imagine she got getting fucked up the ass like a stray dog in a muslim country….when really probably just got them at dance practice cuz that’s the only time Jonas lets her touch him….and who fucking cares… The real tragedy in this is why the paparazzi didn’t get a fucking ass shot…It just doesn’t make sense to me…stand on the other side of the street motherfucker and pretend you are taking pics of the buildings…I don’t now how you do it in whatever immigrant country you are from, but get it together, motherfucker.. v

Originally posted here:
Ashley Greene Boring in Spandex of the Day