Tag Archives: dangers

Killer Shrimp Invades the UK

Image courtesy of the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Laboratory When the eastern gray squirrel was introduced to the UK during the 19th and 20th centuries, it quickly found a niche—outpacing the smaller, weaker, and generally less fit native red squirrel throughout England. Since then, conservationists have struggled to preserve the waning populations of red squirrel and the eastern gray has become a symbol of the dangers of invasive speci… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Killer Shrimp Invades the UK

Whatever Happened to Obama’s Army?

What happened to Barack Obama's once vaunted political machine? The outfit that put upwards of 8 million volunteers on the street in 2008 — known as Organizing for America — is a ghost of its former self. Its staff has shrunk from 6,000 to 300, and its donors are depressed: receipts are a fraction of what they were in 2008. Virtually no one in politics believes it will turn many contests this fall. “There's no chance that OFA is going to have the slightest impact on the midterms,” says Charlie Cook, who tracks congressional races. Read more: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,2016973,00.html#ixzz0z3QjwwLF added by: congoboy


A short PSA about the dangers of iDosing (from Mega 64) added by: Geoffiroth

Mosquitoes Love Black Leggings, Thai Gov’t Warns

Recently, officials in Thailand issued a message to women, particularly teenage girls, warning them of the dangers of wearing black leggings — suggesting instead that they switch to jeans . While it may sound a bit like the sentiments of an overbearing father who, like, totally doesn’t get it, the unsolicited fashion advice is less about being prude and more about saving lives. It turns out that mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors , meaning that thin, blac… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Mosquitoes Love Black Leggings, Thai Gov’t Warns

Coverage: BP CEO Tony Hayward going to Capitol Hill

Live coverage… WASHINGTON (AP)- BP's humbled CEO told Congress on Thursday he was “deeply sorry” for the company's catastrophic oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. But a House panel chairman accused him of being oblivious to the risks of the company's deepwater operations. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., told a grim-faced BP executive Tony Hayward that in his committee's review of 30,000 items, there was “not a single e-mail or document that you paid even the slightest attention to the dangers at this well.” A day after agreeing to a $20 billion victims' compensation fund, Hayward told Congress in prepared testimony that he was “personally devastated” by the April explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that triggered the giant spill — and that he understands the anger that Americans feel toward him and his company. added by: JanforGore

Why We Can’t Just ‘Look Forward’

By Joe Conason The years of detainee abuse and constitutional violations cannot be dismissed so easily, because the past is still with us—and so are the dangers that drew America’s leaders toward the dark side. Related Entries June 9, 2010 A Loss Won’t Silence the Democratic Left June 9, 2010 Senate Protester Gives Herself the Pelican Treatment

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Why We Can’t Just ‘Look Forward’

Obama Speech Links BP Gulf Spill to Need for Clean Energy

Photo via Post Gazette Though the clean energy legislation introduced to the Senate a couple weeks ago has faded into the background as the BP Gulf spill rages on , there’s still a real opportunity for lawmakers to make the case for transitioning away from fossil fuels. And greens have been waiting for Obama to make a distinct indication that he recognized this — and to publicly link the Gulf coast disaster to the dangers of oil dependence. It looks like he’s finally gotte… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Obama Speech Links BP Gulf Spill to Need for Clean Energy

Are children really deficient in Ritalin or Prozac? – 3 Min Video: No More ADHD

CCHRInt — September 15, 2009 — Dr. Mary Ann Block, Medical director of the Block Center, is an outspoken critic of children being diagnosed ADHD and put on drugs documented to cause tics, stunted growth, heart attack, stroke and sudden death. She describes how parents are being misinformed about the medical legitimacy of ADHD and the dangers of the drugs being prescribed to treat children. She encourages parents to have their child given a full medical examination to find underlying medical problems that are being misdiagnosed as a mental disorder. To read more click here http://www.cchrint.org added by: PepsiJuror

Shattered…If Your Kid's On Drugs

This 1986 dramatization about the dangers of drugs and drinking stars Judd Nelson and Burt Reynolds, the living embodiments of clean living and sobriety. Also starring a young and impressionable Dermot Mulroney. View

Attacking the king of the ocean: The sharks that can’t fight back

On my first open water dive in Hawaii I swam near a shark. Even though it demonstrated nothing but shy and skiddish behavior I couldn’t get that d#!# Jaws theme music out of my head. And for good reason, when most people hear the word shark, they think about the Great White shark, the king of the oceans, the top predator on the planet. While attending the Ocean Film Festival this weekend I watched Requiem (while the film was too long and required patience to endure inexperienced filmmaking), it was worth it to see the awesome underwater footage as the filmmaker followed an underwater photographer from Hawaii as she familiarized herself with with the beauty, power and skills of one of the most infamous classification of sharks – the REQUIEM Family. The film was filled with plenty of staggering facts such as three sharks are killed every second, 1 million are killed a year, and a myriad of fun comparison stats that compared shark attacks to the regular hazards on living on land such as in 1991 there were 1,300 deaths by bicycles and 4 deaths by sharks. The most staggering information was that many sharks are caught only to have their fins removed and then thrown back in the water and that while there is 350 or so species of sharks, 79 are imperiled. Why should we care about these giants in the ocean that most of us will never come in contact with? Well…because they are what is considered a “keystone species“, in other words, they have a major influence on their entire environment. At the sustainable seafood pannel the following example was provided to illustrate the role and influence of sharks in the ecosystem: when the sharks disappear, there is an abundance of weak and diseased fish, which then influences the rate of the algae, which in turn influences the amount of oxygen in the water, which then influences the ability for all species in the area to survive. So in other words, if you want to keep eating your salmon and halibut, you might want to consider making sure that we don’t kill off all of the sharks. How can you engage? 1. Learn more at wildaid, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Adopt A Shark, or the Shark Foundation. 2. Help get the information out to countries who are affected by the actions of their government but might not have access to the information (hello Twitter. We got a small thrill when one of our tweets about sea horse annihilation was translated and retweeted in Japanese, given that at the sustainable seafood panel one of the speakers stated that they did not have an education system in place to inform the Japanese population about the effects of the Japanese government policies). 3. Contact your local seafood restaurants and educate them about the dangers of shark fin soup. I felt a little nieve and shocked to find out that they serve shark fin soup right here in San Francisco (and if you want to get really crazy, start a campaign that educates the consumers at the restaurant about the dangers of shark fin soup). Number of sharks that died while you read this post: approx 120 If you want to see more shark videos: check the blog post: http://blogs.current.com/green/2010/02/08/attacking-the-king-of-the-ocean-the-sh… added by: leahl