What’s next: Bill Clinton cutting an ad vexing David Vitter on the issue of fidelity? Of all people, Ed Schultz spent an entire segment this evening going after Chris Christie . . . about his girth. I counted no fewer than seven separate barbs that Schultz directed Christie’s way over his weight. He began with a photo of the NJ Governor with the graphic “Battle of the Bulge.” It got heavier from there. “This morning, Beckster [Glenn Beck] had some sizeable praise for the job-cutting governor.” “On his radio program, Laura Ingraham backed him up with this hefty endorsement .” ” Christie’s couch-potato lifestyle .” “Chris Christie is a guy who makes the middle-class, the poor and schoolkids pay for his fat-cat buddies to keep their living high on the hog lifestyle.” “To say he’d be a good president? That would be some pretty hefty Psycho Talk.” Schultz seems to have a penchant for throwing stones from deep within a glass house. As I reported here yesterday, after Ed mocked Karl Rove for a brief stumble in giving the call-in number while guest-hosting for Rush Limbaugh, Schultz proceeded to butcher the pronunciation of a guest’s name. Tonight, the significantly un-svelte Schultz taunts Chris Christie over his weight. Why would Ed want to highlight his own hypocrisy? When Christie’s opponent in the NJ gubernatorial race, then-incumbent governor Jon Corzine, ran an ad taunting Christie over his avoirdupois, it famously blew up in his face . Is Ed sure he wants to go down the same losing road?
Read more here:
Of All People: Schultz Slams Chris Christie With Fat Jokes