Tag Archives: deeper-rooted

Vanessa Hudgens and Friends in Bikinis of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens has been working out, and has always been an exhibitionist, I mean one of the first with nude pics leaked, she knows how to whore herself out for attention or whatever it is that she does…now more than ever because she’s finally got fit and her body looks good – so there’s more reason to get this kind of content out there, plus it’s how they stay competitive in a world of naked bitches everywhere….so bring it.. I just find it sad, not because it is desperate, but because she’s not showing off her massive bush, that I know she’s capable of. I am a bush lover and when I know a girl has had bush, but doesn’t show off said bush anymore, because she probably waxed it off out of insecurity from being mocked by the BUSH haters…. It makes me sad, but then again, maybe I am just sad due to deeper rooted issues…yeah probably. The post Vanessa Hudgens and Friends in Bikinis of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vanessa Hudgens and Friends in Bikinis of the Day

Taylor Swift Tight Shirt Midriff of the Day

Taylor Swift is working this model thing pretty aggressive. I guess she’s tall and skinny and now that she’s confident, not awkward and hotter than most models she hangs with, I’m talking to you Karlie Kloss, realizes that she could have made it as a model, if she hadn’t created this billion dollar enterprise that is her personal brand and career…where she still gets in magazines and talked about, but has an actual purpose deeper rooted than being a model…because models have nothing to offer the world and are useless…while Taylor Swift brings the soundtrack….like a messenger pigeon…that you can either kill youself or dance to…and with each play..she gets paid… She’s won at life and I guess now she’s just coasting…tight shirt titties and all… Here she is with her cats…who she will miss on her Euro tour because the internet LOVES cats… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift Tight Shirt Midriff of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Tight Shirt Midriff of the Day

Jennifer Aniston Bikini Pictures of the Day

Here is Jennifer Aniston and her dried out, empty and lonely womb in a bikini lookin’ too good to not be getting cum thrown at her from every direction…clearly proving there is a deeper rooted problem with her that I call being a cunt with high standards who won’t take the cum that’s available to her…but the decision has allowed her to maintain this old lady body…that the idea of having kids to fufill you as person cuz that’s really your soul purpose as a woman…really goes out the window…keep up the not getting pregnant no matter how much you pretend to bitch…it’s good for your tits….and at this point, that’s really all you’ve got going for you.

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Jennifer Aniston Bikini Pictures of the Day