Tag Archives: deficiency

Gleebasing: ‘I Think I Want to Marry You’

While reliving the glorious high of Gwyneth Paltrow’s episode of Glee last week (do not be foolish; it was her episode entirely), Movieline sadly figured that viewers would not score another hit of Ryan Murphy’s series this season that would produce the same euphoria. But we were wrong, because last night’s episode — regrettably titled “Furt” — delivered what Gleams* are made of: a storyline in which Sue Sylvester marries Sue Sylvester, Mike O’M alley steals screentime from Schue and Carol Burnett guest-stars as a deadbeat mother who sings Broadway tunes. Now onto the highs and lows.

Gleebasing: ‘I Think I Want to Marry You’

REVIEW: Colin Firth Leaves Us Speechless in The King’s Speech

Now that audiences will finally have a chance to see The King’s Speech, they can assess for themselves whether they can “relate” to a movie — based on a true story — in which a stuttering monarch works with a speech therapist to overcome his deficiency. That’s a question critics, journalist-types and Oscar watchers have been pondering since the movie started gathering buzz in Toronto in September, and plenty of critics have already called the movie middlebrow. While they don’t necessarily mean the word as a perjorative, their use of it does give the sense that a movie is something you examine from the safe end of a long stick, and in the case of The King’s Speech, yes, by golly, the ordinary folk out there just might take to it.

See more here:
REVIEW: Colin Firth Leaves Us Speechless in The King’s Speech