Tag Archives: desiree hartsock

Sharknado 2 Trailer: Sort of Released!

A Sharknado sequel is clearly on the way, possibly as soon as next month, considering the epic reaction on Twitter last night… … and how quickly Tara Reid would sign up for more work. But even before an official deal or title is in place, the good folks responsible for such Tawainese animation as this re-enactment of the Tiger Woods scandal and Lil Wayne’s near-death experience have compiled their own trailer for a Sharknado sequel. They call it Sharkphoon. Watch now: Sharknado Sequel Trailer Sharkphoon . It’s not bad. But we can do better, THGers! How about… Sharkeezus : Kanye West shows what a god he really is by unleashing a second, more deadly wave of sea creatures upon haters. Sharknader : Consumer advocate and green party candidate Ralph Nader immediately blames the original Sharknado on global warming even though it had nothing to do with the plot. Sharknado 2: Lil Sharks : A second generation of rebellious, angst-ridden, cocky sharks wreak havoc on Calabasas, California. PSYclone : ” Gangnam Style ” and “Gentleman” rapper PSY leads a stylish, yet cheesy uprising against the finned invaders. Boar’easter : A storm rattles through upstate New York, picking up some man-eating wild boar along its way to Manhattan. What do you think, readers? Weigh in on these suggestions in the following poll and leave a comment with your very own: What should we title a Sharknado sequel? Sharkphoon Sharkeezus Sharnado 2: PSYclone Sharknader Sharknado 2: Lil Sharks View Poll »

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Sharknado 2 Trailer: Sort of Released!

The Bachelorette Preview: Is Brooks Forester Ready For Marriage?

Is Brooks Forester ready for marriage on The Bachelorette? And do any of his three remaining competitors stand a better chance with Desiree Hartsock? The hometown dates (or The Bachelorette spoilers ) will reveal all! At least, that’s what Desiree is hoping for in Monday’s all-new episode, where she puts her quality time with each member of the final four’s family to good use: The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 8 Promo Before the two ladies in Brooks’ life – Des and his mom – sit down for some girl talk, the elder Forester takes note of the duo’s interactions at dinner. The way she gazes upon Brooks Forester is “with a love look…it was very tender to see that happening,” she says … his mom, that is. About Des. Things get serious, however, when Brooks’ mom asks Desiree Hartsock flat-out if she could see herself marrying and having a family with her son. “I see the potential in that,” Desiree says, but “The main thing I was wondering was if he was ready for marriage because he has mentioned that he wasn’t sure.” Ooooooh. Do you think Brooks is ready for marriage? Is he the one for Desiree Hartsock ? Is all of this doubt about his commitment level just misdirection? Tell us what you think in the comments, and take a look at the preview for next week’s episode of The Bachelorette above to see what you think: Who do you think is the best fit for Des? Brooks Forester Chris Siegfried Zak Waddell Drew Kenney View Poll »

The Bachelorette Preview: Is Brooks Forester Ready For Marriage?

Brandi Glanville on Drunk Photos: At Least I’m Not a Murderer!

Brandi Glanville is speaking out about the drunk photos that caused such a stir over the weekend. Her take, basically? At least she’s not murdering people! Well, not yet anyway. If Eddie Cibrian really got LeAnn Rimes pregnant … look out! “I got drunk with my gays its not murder,” she said on Twitter. “Everyone kept sending us drinks. I was being polite.” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star suffered a wardrobe malfunction as her male friend attempted to escort her inside a hotel in West Hollywood. Photos of Brandi Glanville drunk were the talk of the Internet, and it’s easy to see why, given the sheer amount of boobs and thong that were flashed. Despite the fact that she took a cab home and was accompanied by a friend, photogs still managed to capture numerous pics of the reality star plastered. Glanville had a message for her critics online. “When ur PERFECT and u make all the right decisions ALL the time, and don’t have at least a bit of cellulite on ur ass, get back 2 me,” she said. Brandi raises a point. She may get sloppy, but she owns it. The 40-year-old offered a final message to her fans before moving on from the subject: “It’s a new day can we please keep it positive,” she said. “I’m not perfect but I do the best that I can.” And at least she’s not Aaron Hernandez .

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Brandi Glanville on Drunk Photos: At Least I’m Not a Murderer!

Desiree Hartsock & Brooks Forester: True Love on The Bachelorette? Or Misdirection?

On a show as telegraphed as The Bachelorette, Desiree Hartsock’s confession Monday that she’s “in love with” Brooks Forester seemed to come out of left field. The Bachelorette spoilers have hinted for months that she’s been sweet on one guy from the start, and Brooks sure looks like he is in fact that guy. But is it all a case of classic misdirection from the producers? While the obvious takeaway from Des’ reveal to Chris Harrison was that Brooks is a lock to win , a contrarian view might suggest it’s proof he does not. Count former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky among that camp. “I can’t believe she actually told [Chris H] she’s in love with Brooks! I know this sounds SO weird, but that fact that the editors left that in, makes me really think Brooks is NOT the one,” she writes. “Why would the producers show us this with so many episodes left?!?!” It’s an interesting theory. And based on teasers for the remainder of the season, it may not be off base, as there are a lot of tears left to be shed apparently. Is it possible the L-Bomb was left in by ABC because Desiree Hartsock is heartbroken when Brooks doesn’t reciprocate, and ends up alone in the end? The other, albeit shocking possibility? It’s a reality show being real. Desiree loves Brooks, Desiree tells Chris she loves Brooks, Desiree tells Brooks she loves Brooks, and Brooks comes around by the end of the season. Fedotowsky says that’s certainly possibly … but not a guarantee. “If Des picks Brooks and we’re witnessing the real love story,” she says. “Then I couldn’t be happier for them! Happy that the show is showing us the raw love story! And just happy in general!” “I’m not saying the show is fake. It’s not. I’m just saying the producers/editors try to keep us guessing up until the very last episode. Why would they give away the winner so soon?” What do you think? Is Brooks Forester the one? Check out The Bachelorette spoilers link above (if you’re into that), and then comment below! And vote in our poll: Which of the final four do you want to win?   Brooks Forester Chris Siegfried Zak Waddell Drew Kenney View Poll »

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Desiree Hartsock & Brooks Forester: True Love on The Bachelorette? Or Misdirection?

The Bachelorette Preview: Who Will Be Named Mr. America?

Who will walk away with the title of Mr. America on The Bachelorette? More importantly, who will earn roses and advance to the next week? See The Bachelorette spoilers for more on that subject, but Monday night, all bets are off when the gang heads to Atlantic City, N.J., on the ABC hit. The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 4 Promo In the fourth episode of the season, aspiring Desiree Hartsock husbands throw down in their very own Mr. America Pageant, complete with a talent portion. Coinciding with the real Miss America pageant on ABC Sunday. Natch. It is a “hodge podge of tomfoolery,” according to the episode synopsis, and later, when Brad and Des tour a salt water taffy factory … we don’t even have a joke. Elsewhere, Des and James tour the Hurricane Sandy-ravaged N.J. coast by helicopter, Brooks Forester gets shirtless and Ben Scott is … well, Ben Scott . Oh, and Desiree looks smoking hot in a bikini. Score! Check out some pics from the episode below …

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The Bachelorette Preview: Who Will Be Named Mr. America?

The Bachelorette Recap: Dodgeball!

It’s Game On for the men of  The Bachelorette season 9. Tonight they’ll compete for Desiree Hartsock ‘s affections over a rousing game of dodge ball. And one of them will get a special visitor. Who will survive tonight’s Rose Ceremony? Read our  THG +/- recap now to find out! (Or just skip straight to  The Bachelorette spoilers .) Chris Harrison shows up at Casa de Testosterone to say there will be three dates this week: Two group dates and one one-on-one date. There’s still a lot of tension with Ben. So Bension?  Minus 4 (for my terrible joke). Chris, Brian, Drew, Michael, Brooks, Brad, Mikey, Brandon, Zack K., and Ben are invited on the first group date. None of them are impressed to be sharing a limo with Ben. They’ll be playing Dodgeball today. Here to school them in the ways of dodging and balling is a team from the National Dodgeball League. Which is apparently a thing.  After the guys get initiated, and by initiated I mean pummeled, Chris shows up to divide the men into two teams. Only one team will move on to the second part of the date with Desiree. The other 5 will be returning to Casa de Testosterone. They’ll battle it out for the rest of the date in front of an audience of bystanders at an outdoor shopping mall who have no doubt been recruited for the express purpose of watching them throw balls at one another. Also, men. Throwing balls. I might be 12.  The guys are given tiny shorts and tank tops and they’re taking it all in stride.  Plus 8 .  The red team is in it to win it. The blue team got Ben. They might turn on him. He should watch his back. Chris and Drew are the final men standing for their respective teams in Round One. Drew manages to best Chris and Round One goes to the Blue Team. Round Two, however, goes to the Red Team thanks to Brandon . At the beginning of Round Three, Brooks takes a weird spill at the ball line and can’t get up. His finger is broken and he heads to the hospital to have it reset. But the game must go on and the Red Team vows to win it for their boy Brooks. Chris and Zack are the final men standing and Zack puts Chris out of his dodgeball misery. The Blue Team gets to go on the rest of the date with Desiree. The Red Team gets to go home and ice Brooks’ finger. JUST KIDDING.  Desiree declares them all winners so they’re all going to the after party . Plus 10.  Except Brooks. Because he’s at the hospital.  Minus 2. While Brooks is at the hospital having his finger reset, he passes out from the pain. But he’s still in his short-shorts and his tank top so I’m not really sure which is more embarrassing.  Desiree makes a toast to Brooks and then asks Brad to visit the hotel rooftop with her. He needs to tell her about his past, which sounds juicy.  He drops the bomb that he has a 3 year old son, Maddox. He has full custody of his son and only came here because Desiree was the bachelorette.  Plus 10 to him for not using his son as a ploy to get her attention during the opening ceremonies. Chris  makes a bold move to garner Desiree’s attention and steals her away to a special spot in the hotel: the helicopter pad. Des is impressed.  Plus 7 . After their tiny conversation, he thinks he might get the rose. But Brooks is back. In his short-shorts and tank top. Plus 25 .  She whisks him away immediately and they end up making out. Because of course they do. I’m Team Brooks, by the way. So far at least. Chris gets the rose and they get a private concert. And Chris gets to kiss Desiree while the other guys watch from above and stew and appear on the verge of man tears. Chris is “ecstatic” and calls this “the greatest moment on this journey so far.” He feels lots and lots of “chemistry” with Des. So  that’s what we’re calling it these days.  It’s time for the one-on-one date and Desiree has scheduled her date with Kasey . But before she can go on that date, Chris Harrison calls her to give her some news. One of the guys is being dishonest.  Dun dun dun…  Minus 12 . Kasey’s ready to have their date but first she has to talk to  Brian . She leads with “is there anything you want to tell me?” And he says he’s feeling very strongly for her.  He tells her his past relationship was over a long time ago even if they only broke up a short time ago and in walks Chris Harrison with Brian’s “ex” girlfriend.  Minus 15 . The guys are shocked! And angry! Some of them may be eyeballing her in case they’re sent home this week!  Hey, baby, can I get your number?? This feels so fake! At least her tears do. When she flips the anger switch it feels real. And Brian just sits there kind of embarrassed and sheepish like a guy who’s been caught. Apparently, she has a son and he cares about her but she tried to break up with him and he said no, they just needed a break. And drama drama drama. Two nights before going to L.A. to find love with Des, Brian slept with his not-really ex-girlfriend. Who is apparently a little nuts and likes to throw actual rocks at his face. Des makes the decision to send the “lying, cheating, deceitful pig” packing immediately.  Plus 8 . And another  Plus 5 for the giant bouncer, Paulie. I’ll bet he’s really a big teddy bear. When Des tells the guys what just happened, the look between Michael and Brooks is priceless. Truly awesome. She gives the guys the opportunity to tell her anything they need to tell her and no one makes a move.  She and Kasey head off on their date. Finally.  Plus 10 . Sidenote: If I were taking a drink every time someone said “for the right reasons” or a variation thereof tonight, I’d be, well, incredibly drunk. Incredibly. So drunk this would be unintelligible.  Brandon gets the man tears thinking about his life and how he grew up and how Brian cheated on a single mom. He’s, like, legit upset about this to the point that I wonder if he’s been hitting the sauce before breakfast.  Desiree and Kasey are ready to have some fun on their date. And that fun involves rappelling down the side of a building while sky dancing. It’s called Bandaloop. Kasey says it feels like they’re sharing a moment no one else will share. Well, Kasey, that’s because you are.  Minus 8 The rest of their date is supposed to be on the rooftop of the building they just danced down, but out of nowhere the wind picks up and there’s no way for them to have a conversation. So they jump into the pool. And freeze. And kiss. While the stuff on the roof blows down around them.  Despite the disaster that was their date, she gives him a rose anyway. The disaster wasn’t his fault.  Plus 9. Back at Casa de Testosterone, the guys headed on group date #2 load into a stagecoach to go meet Desiree. A stagecoach. With horses. A team of them.  Okay, then. They’re taken to the scene of a western where Desiree is in a period costume from the Wild West. The guys will be going through Cowboy Bootcamp with the stunt team from the Disney movie  The Lone Ranger .  Plus 2 for mention of Johnny Depp!! The guys are all really great sports about learning to lasso and fight. I’m pretty sure they all knew how to quick draw their pistols before this, though.  Ahem . Desiree plays the damsel in distress and the guys mount their horses. The one who rescues her best will get some extra time with Desiree later. Dan splits his pants. Zak makes her laugh. Juan Pablo uses his super powers of sex appeal and wins the competition.  Plus 7 . And now we’re treated to a commercial for the upcoming flick. And also to a liplock between Desiree and Juan Pablo, which she calls “passionate.”  Following their private viewing of  The Lone Ranger , Desiree and Juan Pablo rejoin the rest of the guys.  Bryden gets the time with Desiree first. He’s so delightfully awkward.  Plus 3 . Zak W. pays her a great compliment when he says she’s a team player who makes everyone comfortable. They laugh really well together. Good, hearty belly-laughing from the two of them.  Plus 5 . James is maybe more awkward than Bryden. He’s worried about his dad back home and his head isn’t all the way in the game. He asks her if she sees something more between the two of them and she gives him the rose to alleviate his worries.  Plus 2 . Chris shows up at the house and says that tonight’s cocktail party has been canceled. Instead, Des wants to have a “relaxed, chill” pool party.  Ben’s already up to his antics.  Minus 15 . He sneaks out the door and grabs her as soon as she pulls up, enticing her to go for a drive before going in to see the other guys. He kisses her in plain view of the other guys and then tells her the car ride is “their little secret.” He’s so skeevy and she doesn’t see it.  Minus 10 . Mikey and Chris set Ben up and he lies about spending time with Desiree before the pool party. He lies to Kasey and James, too.  Minus 4 . Mikey and Michael call him out on it and he says he doesn’t kiss and tell. Then Michael says he can’t unscramble that egg and I decide that’s a line I’m going to use in real life from now on.  Plus 3  for that. Brandon grabs her for some alone time and tells her about how hard it was to hear about Brian. Then he promises no man tears. And he promises never to hurt her or take her for granted. And that he’s falling in love with her. And then he kisses her.  Finally! The Rose Ceremony! Brian  is already out. James, Kasey,  and  Chris have roses from the dates. Joining them are: Bryden Juan Pablo Zak W. Brooks Drew Zack K. Brad Michael G. Mikey Ben Leaving tonight: Brandon Dan Maybe Brandon’s man tears were too much for her? Or his declaration of love? She tells him he’s an incredible person but just not the one for her.  She goes after him and tells him it needed to be now instead of later. She didn’t feel the chemistry he felt.  He’s so morose. Put him in one of those hook-up houses that’ll come out later this summer, okay? Brandon needs some love. Or lust. Whichever. EPISODE TOTAL: +44 SEASON TOTAL: +147

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The Bachelorette Recap: Dodgeball!

Desiree Hartsock Rap: The Worst Thing in the History of the World?

We were pretty generous last night with our Bachelorette grade , awarding the latest episode 69 points when we easily could have docked it 1,000 for one reason alone: Desiree Hartsock and Soulja Boy. Rapping. Together. For real. The footage – which of course includes Desiree’s suitors – is every bit as painful as you’d imagine, making us think twice about bashing that Sophie Grace video this week. That thing is Emmy material compared to this nonsense. Watch now if you dare: The Bachelorette Rap Video – Desiree Hartsock ft. Soulja Boy

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Desiree Hartsock Rap: The Worst Thing in the History of the World?

The Bachelorette Rap Video: Desiree Hartsock Featuring Soulja Boy (Seriously)

Desiree Hartsock rapping is kind of adorable but also really awkward, and she does so alongside Soulja Boy in a special Bachelorette music video. Yes, we’re serious. Not exactly earth-shattering Bachelorette spoilers here, but she and a bunch of suitors recorded this on the season’s first group date. Take a look, and try not to cringe too noticeably: The Bachelorette Rap Video – Desiree Hartsock ft. Soulja Boy Remember Emily O’Brien, from Ben Flajnik’s season? That girl could RAP. Desiree Hartsock ? Not so much. We’ve seen THG’s interns do better. Then again, that’s Des for you. She was always a little bit awkward, not your stereotypical pulled-together girl, which is why we love her so hard. On the other hand, one of the guys dresses up like Jason Mesnick’s son, Chris Harrison appears at the end, and Soulja Boy’s career is apparently over. So it’s not without merit. Call this one a wash.

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The Bachelorette Rap Video: Desiree Hartsock Featuring Soulja Boy (Seriously)

Desiree Hartsock on The Bachelorette: Seeking Best Friend, Support System, Kids!

The Bachelorette star Desiree Hartsock says she has a good idea what she’s after – and what she wants to avoid – when her quest for love kicks off May 27. “I like someone who’s spontaneous, adventurous and enjoys every aspect of life,” says the 26-year-old, who vied for Sean Lowe ‘s heart on The Bachelor . “And, not to get too serious, but someone who could be my best friend and a support system, someone who I can see as the father of my kids.” She does not have to look far for inspiration. “My parents have been together 40 years and married for 35,” she says. “My dad has her back no matter what. She’s so affectionate to him. They act like they are 16.” A deal breaker, Desiree Hartsock says, would be dating the kind of person “who is selfish and doesn’t want kids, because I really do want a family .” So how did she handle the pressure of finding Mr. Right from the vantage point of being The Bachelorette and having 25 men competing for her? “I’m not going to lie. I have a great group of guys,” she says. “It was overwhelming. Luckily, I know how it is, so I empathized with them and their nerves.” Excited for Des as The Bachelorette?   Yes! She’s like perfect for the show! No, I prefer Lindsay/AshLee! No, someone new entirely! View Poll »

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Desiree Hartsock on The Bachelorette: Seeking Best Friend, Support System, Kids!

The Bachelorette Promo: Desiree Hartsock is Living a Fairy Tale!

She captured America’s heart. He broke hers. So it begins again. Desiree Hartsock , who came close to winning Sean Lowe’s final rose on The Bachelor , will be the one doling them out this summer. ABC has released its first promos for The Bachelorette , premiering Monday, May 27. You won’t believe this, but the brunette beauty is living a fairy tale: The Bachelorette Promo: Desiree’s Turn! In the much-anticipated premiere, Desiree Hartsock is introduced to some good-looking, confident fellas, including one dressed up as a knight in shining armor. Good one. She’s also asked if she will accept … THESE ABS!?! Check out another promo for the new season after the jump: The Bachelorette Promo: Will You Accept These Abs? Desiree Hartsock: Good choice for The Bachelorette?   Yes! She’s like perfect for the show! No, I prefer Lindsay/AshLee! No, someone new entirely! View Poll »

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The Bachelorette Promo: Desiree Hartsock is Living a Fairy Tale!