Tag Archives: desmond-nair

Condom Vending Machines: Coming to NYC Cabs?

Picture it: you’re riding inside a New York City taxi. You get that booty call you’ve been praying for. But – oh, no! – you are without protection! What is an anxious, hopeful lover to do? Brian Shimmerlik and his new invention are here for you. The founder of TaxiTreaters tells The Huffington Post he expects his venture to spread throughout The Big Apple this summer, meaning a vending machine that sells “convenience” items such as gum and, yes, condoms, may soon be part of your cab-riding experience. “Our goal is to provide people with things they want, when they want them, right where they are,” Shimmerlik says . The machine would feature a touch screen and accept credit cards and is being released this myth throughout NYC bars and restaurants. With Mayor Michael Bloomberg introducing The Taxi of Tomorrow last year, one that provides users with 10 inches more of legroom, Shimmerlik sees this as the perfect time to add his helpful apparatus as well. “This is clearly an imaginative product, and we congratulate them on the progress they’ve made,” said Allan Fromberg, spokesman for the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission. What do you think of condom availability in taxis? Good idea? Or GREAT idea?

The rest is here:
Condom Vending Machines: Coming to NYC Cabs?

Rihanna: Nude With Kate Moss in V Magazine!

A nude Rihanna is shielded by Kate Moss on the cover of V Magazine‘s “Dynamic Duos” issue for Spring 2013 – and vice versa, on an alternate cover! See what we mean by ogling the dueling covers below: We’ve seen plenty of Rihanna nude over the years, but never quite like this. Some excerpts from the singer’s latest interview with the fashion magazine: On getting naked with one of the world’s most famous models, Kate Moss, for V: “That was the best shot… Take her top off and put that b!tch on my lap!” On Kate wanting to join the Mario Testino shoot: “Kate overheard us talking and she said, ‘I want to do it with you!’ Again, I was like, Are you f**cking kidding me?” ”I was dying on the inside. All my fantasies coming true: Mario, V, Kate Moss.” On not knowing Kate had a kid : “I didn’t know she had a child, and she still looks like this? There’s hope for people who want babies and still want to be sexy!” On not reading any gossip : “I don’t read it anymore.” “I already have too many voices in my head! I don’t have room for that other stuff. If I let that other stuff in, it’ll take the space of productive sh!t, and that isn’t good.”

View original post here:
Rihanna: Nude With Kate Moss in V Magazine!

Oscar Pistorius: Free on Bail in Murder Case

Oscar Pistorius was awarded bail on Friday after being charged with murdering his girlfriend. He will be free, pending his trial in a few months’ time. The ruling by Magistrate Desmond Nair was cheered by Pistorius’ family and supporters at the Pretoria magistrate’s court; the athlete himself was unmoved. The bail decision followed days of dramatic testimony about how the athlete killed girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his luxury home on Valentine’s Day. Prosecutors said Oscar Pistorius committed murder when he fired four shots into a locked bathroom door, hitting his girlfriend cowering on the other side. Steenkamp, 29, suffered gunshot wounds to her head, hip and arm. Pistorius’ defense team argued the killing was a tragic mistake, saying the athlete had mistaken her for an intruder , a notion police have scoffed at. In any case, his attorneys said he was too famous to pose a flight risk and deserved bail to prepare for a case that has drawn worldwide attention. A judge agreed, and he will be released pending his trial , which is unlikely to start for several months. It is unclear what amount he was required to post. Olympic and Paralympic star Pistorius, a double amputee who runs races on a pair of carbon-fiber blades, faces life in prison if convicted of murder. The shooting and allegations at the bail hearing stunned the millions around the world who saw his track glory as an inspiring tale of triumph over adversity.

See original here:
Oscar Pistorius: Free on Bail in Murder Case