Tag Archives: detention-room

Wal-Mart Bans Gay Couple For Shoplifting (Even Though They Didn’t Do It)

A Wal-Mart in rural Indiana detained two gay attorneys and their two adopted special needs sons and then banned them from patronizing any store in the chain, even though video records proved that the couple had not shoplifted the packages of Bic lighters that employees claimed they had. One of the men had used the store’s self-checkout lane and security cameras clearly showed him scanning the items in question. According to the couple, Wal-Mart security threatened them in the store’s detention room and made disparaging remarks about their “lifestyle.” Even after their innocence was proven by the store’s own surveillance, Wal-Mart refused to compensate the couple for their ruined frozen groceries and is even demanding that they pay ten times the value of the items they were wrongly accused of stealing

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Wal-Mart Bans Gay Couple For Shoplifting (Even Though They Didn’t Do It)

HIV Therapy Lacking For SF’s Poorest

Embiggen the image at the left for a sobering look at HIV viral loads in San Francisco’s neighborhoods. Darker shaded areas provide stark proof of the failure to provide HAART therapy to city’s poor

See the original post here:
HIV Therapy Lacking For SF’s Poorest