‘Then I’m willing to forget the whole thing,’ the comedian says, hinting end to feud might be close. By James Montgomery Jerry Seinfeld Photo: Ray Tamarra/ Getty Images Jerry Seinfeld took to the broadcast booth during Wednesday night’s game between his beloved New York Mets and the Detroit Tigers, delivering four-and-a-half innings of play-by-play and, in the process, continuing his rather amazing feud with Lady Gaga. Earlier this week, Seinfeld called Gaga “a jerk” , after she flipped the bird at photographers during a June 10 Mets home game. The comedian also took issue with team staff at Citi Field for ushering the pop star into his empty private box seats. “You give people the finger and you get upgraded? Is that the world we’re living in now?” Seinfeld admonished on New York’s WFAN radio. “This woman is a jerk. I hate her. I can’t believe they put her in my box, which I paid for.” During a lull in the action during Wednesday night’s game, Seinfeld addressed the incident again, joking that he might not exactly get Gaga’s antics, but as a Met fan, he felt insulted by her actions. “It’s fair to say that we’re all big fans of Lady Gaga — lame, out-of-it white guys in their mid-50s is her core audience,” he laughed. “But I’m very protective of my Met fans. I love my Met fans and I did not like … the finger. It was disrespectful. “She should make a nice apology to the Met fans,” Seinfeld continued. “Come on. We had her as a guest and … then I’m willing to forget the whole thing.” During his time in the booth, Seinfeld was asked by SNY analyst Keith Hernandez — the Mets great and onetime “Seinfeld” guest star has been friendly for year with the comic — about the condition of his box seats, following Gaga’s impromptu visit. “They didn’t trash it?” Hernandez asked. “No,” Seinfeld said. “We brought the bedbug dog in, Rusty, what’s his name? The beagle. And it’s all clean.” Seinfeld was, of course, referring to Roscoe, the star of a series of bizarrely compelling commercials for the Bell Environmental Services company that are routinely shown throughout New York and New Jersey. At another point in the broadcast, SNY’s Gary Cohen needled Seinfeld about Gaga getting his box seats, asking how she could’ve been upset at anyone with seats that good. “We don’t understand the kids today and the music business,” Seinfeld joked. “Maybe, you know, I’m sure we’ll all be bigger fans now that she’s cursed us out.” Should Gaga apologize to New York Mets fans, as Seinfeld suggests? Tell us what you think in the comments! Related Artists Lady Gaga

See original here:
Jerry Seinfeld: Lady Gaga Should Apologize To Met Fans