Tag Archives: dissemination

Padma Lakshmi vs. Adam Dell: Sides Speak Out

Padma Lakshmi is an expert in the kitchen, but the model/author has been taken to court by ex-boyfriend Adam Dell. This venture capitalist has filed a lawsuit against the Top Chef host and is seeking custody of the pair’s daughter, Krishna. At issue? How much time Dell can spend with her after she turns a year old next month. “Adam Dell, above all else, wants to have an active and substantial role in the upbringing of his daughter with Padma Lakshmi,” his lawyer tells The New York Post . “Mr. Dell has tried his best to avoid going to court.” While a rep for Lakshmi says she wants this matter to remain private, the star’s attorney, Jay D. Silverstein, has released the following statement: “The facts in the court papers are inaccurate and misleading. Ms. Lakshmi looks forward to correcting the record in the courts, not the press.

Justin Bieber Won’t Face Charges In Laser-Tag Incident

Pop star was accused of punching a 12-year-old boy in the face. By Gil Kaufman Justin Bieber Photo: Getty Images It looks like Justin Bieber will not have this on his permanent record. After facing possible sanction for an incident at a Richmond, British Columbia, laser-tag park where he allegedly punched a 12-year-old boy in the face, police in Richmond said they have decided not to file charges against Justin Bieber. “The file in regard to the alleged assault at the entertainment center has been concluded, and no charges will be forwarded,” Corporal Turley of the Richmond Royal Canadian Mounted Police told MTV News on Tuesday (December 14). “The investigation is complete.” Turley said the evidence collected did not support going forward with the investigation, noting that she was unable to confirm whether Bieber was one of the persons involved because of a law prohibiting the dissemination of information into criminal cases involving youths. Bieber had been accused of getting into a scuffle with the unidentified boy during an October 15 session at the Planet Lazer Entertainment Center in Richmond. According to reports, Bieber got angry when the boy allegedly hurled a homophobic slur at him and lashed out in response. The boy sustained minimal injuries after what TMZ reported was an incident in which Bieber, 16, was targeted by an overzealous laser-tag player who used an anti-gay slur against him. When the 12-year-old stuck his hand out toward Bieber, the “Baby” singer reportedly batted it away and left the park. A short time later, Bieber spoke out against bullying and posted an “It Gets Better” clip. In it, he said, “Hey guys, I’m Justin Bieber. I just wanted to say there’s nothing cool about being a bully. And if you’re getting bullied, make sure to tell someone and, you know, it gets better. And if you’re a bystander, make sure to step in and, you know, help out.” Related Artists Justin Bieber

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Justin Bieber Won’t Face Charges In Laser-Tag Incident

Establishment Republicans Introduce Bill to Criminalize Wikileaks

New York Rep. Peter King has exploited the hysteria surrounding the Wikileaks case to introduce legislation to make it illegal to publish the names of American intelligence sources who provide information to the US military or intelligence community, according to Homeland Security Today. King has called Assange a terrorist and demands Eric Holder and the Justice Department deal with him. HR 6506, called the SHIELD Act (Securing Human Intelligence and Enforcing Lawful Dissemination), is a companion bill to a Senate bill introduced earlier this month by senators Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), John Ensign (R-Nev.), and Scott Brown (R-Mass.). Both bills would amend U.S. Code Title 18 Section 798, also called the Espionage Act, to provide legal protections that already apply to communications intelligence to human intelligence sources. “Julian Assange and his cronies, in their effort to hinder our war efforts, are creating a hit list for our enemies by publishing the names of our human intelligence sources,” Ensign said in a statement. “Our sources are bravely risking their lives when they stand up against the tyranny of al Qaeda, the Taliban, and murderous regimes, and I simply will not stand idly by as they become death targets because of Julian Assange. Let me be very clear, Wikileaks is not a whistleblower website and Assange is not a journalist.” added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

Bret Michaels’ Fans Offer Support On Facebook, Twitter

Poison frontman’s Web site crashed as fans sought updates on his condition following brain hemorrhage. By Eric Ditzian Bret Michaels Photo: Jason Merritt/ Getty Images While Bret Michaels remains in an intensive care unit following a major brain hemorrhage on Thursday, his fans are not only scouring the Web for news about the Poison frontman’s condition but are sending out messages of support on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. “Praying every day for Bret to have a full recovery,” wrote Heather Lynn on Michaels’ Facebook page . “It was nice to see him so happy on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ last night . He was very funny. I enjoyed watching it, but it made me sad to think of what him and his family are going through right now. I also pray for his two lovely daughters to have strength.” Said Laura Mendoza, “May the good Lord give you the strength you need to fight this. Your family, friends & fans are all praying for your speedy recovery.” Meanwhile, Twitter has been filled with well-wishes directed at the 47-year-old singer and reality-TV star’s account. Users have been sharing information, sending out prayers and fondly recalling their favorite moments from Michaels’ career over the years. On Michaels’ MySpace page , one user wrote, “Praying for you Bret and your family. You are strong and you will come thru this. I’ve been a fan for a long time and will be forever!” In addition to the social networking sites, Michaels’ official Web site has become a hub for the dissemination of information. But at one point on Monday morning (April 26), as his name continued to be a top Internet search term, the site actually crashed as it struggled to keep up with all the clicks. “Bret remains in ICU under 24 hour surveillance,” a message on his Web site and social networking sites read. “Further testing this week will help locate the source of the bleeding.” Facebook user Cathleen Kulinski Beckwith typified the collective response of fans when she wrote on his wall, “I sure hope that they find out what the problem is very soon before it’s too late. My continued thoughts and prayers are with Bret and his beloved family and friends.” Related Artists Bret Michaels

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Bret Michaels’ Fans Offer Support On Facebook, Twitter