Tag Archives: divine

Love And Happiness: Mac Miller Opens His Heart

Meaghan Garvey on The Divine Feminine

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Love And Happiness: Mac Miller Opens His Heart

It Ain’t Over: Black Greeks Continue To Boycott VH1’s ‘Sorority Sisters’ Reality Show & Launch An Online Block Party In Protest

Hold on wait a minute…y’all thought they were finished?! Remember when we told you that members of the Divine 9 were STEAMING mad with Mona Scott Young for her attention slorey “Sorority Sisters” reality show? Well in addition to (continuing) to boycott the program and encouraging advertisers to pull out , they’re uniting via Facebook (not Twitter) to hopefully put it to bed once and for all. Via D9 For Change: It appears that the real story is being missed, which is, BGLO members and non members have come together and organized on FaceBook, directing members to use Twitter. We teach how to tweet and what works most effectively and work in groups, collectively. It’s a collaboration of BGLO members utilizing numerous social media platforms and resources. We believe that you do FaceBook an injustice when you give all the credit to Twitter. Twitter does not allow us to meet, set up in committees/groups, post daily targeted companies or share ideas and documents all in one location. We have to be organized before we can be really effective on Twitter. We are now adding Instagram and Pinterest to our list of social media platforms. We have ambushes, daily targets and missions. Groups are lead by different members of BGLOs who are all working toward the same goal- to have Sorority Sisters CANCELED. We are using social media platforms like they have never been used. We believe that our efforts are effective and today’s line-up provides confirmation. When have you ever witnessed a network run two new shows, and an in between “behind the scenes” program on a brand new show? Why are they so insisted on degrading our history, we don’t know. But we won’t give up. Our ancestors’ legacies are to important to our communities. D9ForChange has since launched an “Online Block Party” to portray positive images of sorority and fraternity members. Kicking off today, the “party” will take place as “Sorority Sisters” airs on VH1. Our first D9ForChange ONLINE *Block Party* featuring REAL Sorority Sisters & Fraternity Brothers, Is today, January 5, 2015 on FaceBook, where we have designated specific members to watch the show, list the advertisers on the wall, then we all will go over to Twitter and tweet our messages. As the shows are airing, we will be posting step show videos and pictures. Each week will have a different theme. Now, as for the why now? Let us give you a little history lessons. We are so tired of being asked: “Why now?” Why weren’t you upset about all the other negative reality TV shows, before they started exploiting sororities?” […] While it may seem as though the opposition to negative reality TV programs is new, many people have been voicing their concerns, rejecting these images and demanding better representations of Black women on TV since this genre began. “Reality” TV is now depicting our historic organizations that have over 100 years of leadership, service and activism members as classless, hostile, ratchet hoodlums. The negative and false depiction of the members of these organizations despite the many dynamic Black women who are members – Coretta Scott-King, Dorothy Height, Zora Neal Hurston, Hattie McDaniel and countless others – is just outrageous and cannot be tolerated.   What do YOU make of these continued protests??? Is it time to relent and just not watch???

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It Ain’t Over: Black Greeks Continue To Boycott VH1’s ‘Sorority Sisters’ Reality Show & Launch An Online Block Party In Protest

It Ain’t Over: Black Greeks Continue To Boycott VH1’s ‘Sorority Sisters’ Reality Show & Launch An Online Block Party In Protest

Hold on wait a minute…y’all thought they were finished?! Remember when we told you that members of the Divine 9 were STEAMING mad with Mona Scott Young for her attention slorey “Sorority Sisters” reality show? Well in addition to (continuing) to boycott the program and encouraging advertisers to pull out , they’re uniting via Facebook (not Twitter) to hopefully put it to bed once and for all. Via D9 For Change: It appears that the real story is being missed, which is, BGLO members and non members have come together and organized on FaceBook, directing members to use Twitter. We teach how to tweet and what works most effectively and work in groups, collectively. It’s a collaboration of BGLO members utilizing numerous social media platforms and resources. We believe that you do FaceBook an injustice when you give all the credit to Twitter. Twitter does not allow us to meet, set up in committees/groups, post daily targeted companies or share ideas and documents all in one location. We have to be organized before we can be really effective on Twitter. We are now adding Instagram and Pinterest to our list of social media platforms. We have ambushes, daily targets and missions. Groups are lead by different members of BGLOs who are all working toward the same goal- to have Sorority Sisters CANCELED. We are using social media platforms like they have never been used. We believe that our efforts are effective and today’s line-up provides confirmation. When have you ever witnessed a network run two new shows, and an in between “behind the scenes” program on a brand new show? Why are they so insisted on degrading our history, we don’t know. But we won’t give up. Our ancestors’ legacies are to important to our communities. D9ForChange has since launched an “Online Block Party” to portray positive images of sorority and fraternity members. Kicking off today, the “party” will take place as “Sorority Sisters” airs on VH1. Our first D9ForChange ONLINE *Block Party* featuring REAL Sorority Sisters & Fraternity Brothers, Is today, January 5, 2015 on FaceBook, where we have designated specific members to watch the show, list the advertisers on the wall, then we all will go over to Twitter and tweet our messages. As the shows are airing, we will be posting step show videos and pictures. Each week will have a different theme. Now, as for the why now? Let us give you a little history lessons. We are so tired of being asked: “Why now?” Why weren’t you upset about all the other negative reality TV shows, before they started exploiting sororities?” […] While it may seem as though the opposition to negative reality TV programs is new, many people have been voicing their concerns, rejecting these images and demanding better representations of Black women on TV since this genre began. “Reality” TV is now depicting our historic organizations that have over 100 years of leadership, service and activism members as classless, hostile, ratchet hoodlums. The negative and false depiction of the members of these organizations despite the many dynamic Black women who are members – Coretta Scott-King, Dorothy Height, Zora Neal Hurston, Hattie McDaniel and countless others – is just outrageous and cannot be tolerated.   What do YOU make of these continued protests??? Is it time to relent and just not watch???

Excerpt from:
It Ain’t Over: Black Greeks Continue To Boycott VH1’s ‘Sorority Sisters’ Reality Show & Launch An Online Block Party In Protest

Evolving Woman meet Evolving Man – Redefining Gender Roles

www.CuttingEdgeConsciousness.com Guest co-host, Katherine Woodward Thomas, filling in for Barnet Bain, along with Freeman Michaels, welcome Jeff Brown to Cutting Edge Consciousness. Jeff Brown is the author of the book “Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation” and the article “Apologies to the Divine Feminine”. He joins Freeman and Katherine to talk about gender roles. Besides being the bestselling author of “Calling in the One”, Katherine is also the co-leader of The Feminine Power Workshops where topics such as this are regularly discussed: (femininepower.com and Jeff hosts conversations about emerging men and women, as well – his website is: soulshaping.com http://www.youtube.com/v/CN-Upp_nFYY?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See more here: Evolving Woman meet Evolving Man – Redefining Gender Roles


Evolving Woman meet Evolving Man – Redefining Gender Roles

Liza Minnelli and Elizabeth Taylor

Liza Minnelli has released a statement on the passing of the divine Elizabeth Taylor, expressing her sorrow over losing a fellow diva and sharing her love for the woman she used to call friend. Liza wrote: “She was a true star, because she not only had beauty and notoriety; Elizabeth Taylor had talent. As a friend she was always, always there for me. I#39;ll miss her for the rest of my life, but I was so lucky to have known her.” Sad. So many people are going to miss her.

Liza Minnelli and Elizabeth Taylor

Liza Minnelli and Elizabeth Taylor

Liza Minnelli has released a statement on the passing of the divine Elizabeth Taylor, expressing her sorrow over losing a fellow diva and sharing her love for the woman she used to call friend. Liza wrote: “She was a true star, because she not only had beauty and notoriety; Elizabeth Taylor had talent. As a friend she was always, always there for me. I#39;ll miss her for the rest of my life, but I was so lucky to have known her.” Sad. So many people are going to miss her.

See original here:
Liza Minnelli and Elizabeth Taylor

Shoot-the-President Game at Catholic Carnival

http://media.lehighvalleylive.com/slate-belt_impact/photo/obama-game-c01f638d96d… Have you ever been to a church carnival? No, I don't mean a church service with a carnival atmosphere. I mean an actual carnival put on by a church as a fundraiser. Sounds like it could be a fun, family-oriented way for a church to raise money. Or it could simply be an exercise in far-right hatred. A Catholic church in Roseto, PA, is in the news because of game at their carnival in which attendees were encouraged to shoot darts at the image of an African American man holding a health care bill and wearing the presidential seal. Of course, the owner of the company responsible for providing the games now claims that it was not meant to depict President Obama. Sure it wasn't. The real story, as far as I'm concerned, is how Rev. Jim Prior responded when attendees complained. “We’re used to this kind of bigotry and prejudice, and we abhor it but it’s the way of the world,” Prior said. “Even the Divine Father himself is vilified in today’s culture.” added by: toyotabedzrock

Tamara Lowe: Motivational Christian Rapper

White lady Christian rappers are the hot new ish. Now you can earn street cred and entry into the divine kingdom all at once. The Best Links: Via The Vulture Watch

"Idol" Reject — Bette Midler?

Filed under: American Idol , We’re Just Sayin’ , Party All The Time Here’s booted “American Idol” contestant Chris Golightly at his news conference in L.A. on Tuesday (left) — and the Divine Miss M, Bette Midler, back in the day (right).One of them started their singing career by performing in bathhouses. See … Permalink

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"Idol" Reject — Bette Midler?

The Official Hugh Grant Aging Timeline

Inspired by this tragic photograph. We're a long way from Four Weddings and A Funeral (or Divine Brown). Woof.

Continued here:
The Official Hugh Grant Aging Timeline