In recent interviews, Miley Cyrus has spoken candidly about her sexuality, and most of her revelations weren’t particularly surprising. Yesterday, Miley revealed that she’s hooked up with girls , and the world basically responded with a sarcastic, ” Naaaah, really?! ” While the girl-on-girl thing wasn’t exactly a bombshell, some of Miley’s other comments are now being interpreted as a sort of coming-out. “I didn’t want to be a boy,” Miley said. “I kind of wanted to be nothing. I don’t relate to what people would say defines a girl or a boy, and I think that’s what I had to understand: “Being a girl isn’t what I hate, it’s the box that I get put into.” She certainly didn’t come right out and declare herself “genderqueer,” but that’s the label that many are ascribing to Miley’s self-identification. The irony, of course, is that Miley was basically saying that labels are exactly what she hates . Gender identity can get complicated, y’all. The term “genderqueer” generally refers to individuals who don’t self-identify as either male or female. Miley has been an outspoken LGBT advocate throughout her career and she recently described Bruce Jenner as her “hero,” so we’re pretty sure she wouldn’t object to being called genderqueer, even if the word doesn’t perfectly describe her. It’s probably best for everyone involved if we just never try to definitively categorize Miley as anything, ever. Love her or hate her, the girl (or whatever she prefers to be called) is nothing if not a true original. View Slideshow: Miley Cyrus’ Weirdest Instagram Photos
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Miley Cyrus: Did She Come Out as Genderqueer?