Tag Archives: double-dipping

Chloe Grace Moretz as Britney of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz fans are ridiculously perverted. They fell in love with her when she was a comic book starlet at the age of 12z perverts. They have stuck with her ever since. Perverts. They are still into her despite being a chubby little thing in her 20s. Loyal perverts who can’t be thwarted from their pervert ways. And here she is done up like Britney Spears…bringing a whole new level of perversion to the perverts. Some double dipping, two birds one stone, role play perverts. Enjoy. The post Chloe Grace Moretz as Britney of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Read this article:
Chloe Grace Moretz as Britney of the Day

Ella Weisskamp Nipples of the Day

Ella Weisskamp is a model who takes pictures and is thus a photographer – which doesn’t matter as much in this era of the iphone photographer…any motherfucker can take a goddamn pic and they all fucking try…all fucking day because let’s get famous too…but the difference with Ella Weisskamp is that she gets in front of the camera too, and when she does she shows tit… So it’s this balanacing act of taking pics of bitches to get the social media tag, and posing in pics to get the social media fans, in a double dipping, triple threat hustler…on the INFLUENCER in training kick…and when there’s nipple involved…motherfucker…I’m influenced… The post Ella Weisskamp Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the rest here:
Ella Weisskamp Nipples of the Day

Kendall’s Ass of the Day

Kendall Jenner is double dipping in Love Magazine, maybe she’s like an Athlete who gets extra money from his Sponsors when he gets published in magazines or featured on TV shows, like he’s won some kind of award or some shit….because she’s giving Love Magazine, who I guess has some level of cool factor to a person like Kendall Jenner who has no concept of cool has… These rich kids are so detached from reality…in their weird insular bullshit overrated lives filled with cheesy people who suck up to them and want to be famous like them….it’s weird.. Maybe the family is just on Love Magazine’s payroll, since they did some massively viral – possibly the “break the internet” fully nude Kim Kadashian photoshoot …that the public seems to forget they can see her at her prime naked getting fucked by a big black cock…because her getting naked – is hardly breaking anything except maybe the chair she is sitting on or anything her naked disgusting body touches… Point being, she’s wearing her sponsor Calvin in the magazine, showing her non existent ass, because she’s uneventful, not that hot, but exists and people seem to like talking about her…despite being garbage…myself included…and I hate myself for that and more – stay tuned to find out… Not too far behind Kendall is her friend and possible employee GIGI TO SEE THOSE KIM K IN LOVE NAKED AS FUCK CLICK HERE The post Kendall’s Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Kendall’s Ass of the Day