Tag Archives: drink-the-beer

Philadelphia Designers Invent Beer Bottle That Makes Music

As if musicians needed another reason to drink, now they can write their beer purchases off as a business expense. Tuned Pale Ale, the brainspawn of Philadelphia design engineers Matt Braun and Christopher Mufalli, may only appear to be a six-pack of beer, but upon closer investigation one notices lines on the label indicating pitches in the key of C (white piano keys). The general idea is to drink the beer to the level of the pitch you’re seeking, and since both music and beer is generally more fun in groups, you can have your friends drink to different pitches so you can generate some harmony. Read more: http://drinkphilly.com/index.php/drinks/artprofile/155 added by: DrinkPhilly

Paris Hilton Swimsuit Pictures

Apparently Paris Hilton is in Rio de Janeiro doing lame promotional work for some sort of Brazilian beer that nobody has ever heard of or cares about. At least while she was there she decided to walk out onto her hotel room balcony for some sun in a little black bathing suit. I especially like that she’s pretending to drink the beer, what a great actress. She’s probably got cases of it stacked up in her room. Anyhow, you know the drill, Paris Hilton , bathing suit, boobies… Etc. more pictures of Paris Hilton here