Tag Archives: earned-himself

Price is Right Contestant Sets Plinko Record, Goes Awesomely Insane

The price was very much right for a contestant named Ryan on Thursday morning. On the latest edition of this beloved program, this enthusiastic young man was at first called down to play. He then bid closest the actual price of an item and got to go up on stage with Drew Carey. And, in case this wasn't exciting enough for Ryan, he then learned that he would be trying to win lots of money via the most popular game on all of The Price is Right… … PLINKO! Dropping his first chip, Ryan won $10,000, the most one can win with a single Plinko drop. But he was just getting started. From there, he earned himself a $1,000 more on his second chip, another $10,000 on his third, a meager $500 on his fourth drop and then, yes, ANOTHER $10,000 on his last! That would be a total of $31,500. And that would be a new Plinko record! At this point, both Ryan and the studio audience lost their minds. Chants of “RYAN! RYAN! RYAN!” broke out inside the venue, with Ryan himself happily joining in. It was a special and historic moment. And Twitter was there to document it for all of eternity. Watch the greatest Plinko game in history now!

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Price is Right Contestant Sets Plinko Record, Goes Awesomely Insane

Must Read: Serena Williams Posts Deeply Personal Message About Black Lives Matter On Facebook

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Serena Williams is among the greatest athletes on the planet, and she also happens to be a Black woman. Today, she used her platform to speak out about police brutality by sharing a deeply personal anecdote about what it’s like to be driving while Black. In the touching and honest message, Serena writes, Today I asked […]

Must Read: Serena Williams Posts Deeply Personal Message About Black Lives Matter On Facebook

Charlemagne Should Give DJ Envy Donkey Of The Day For His Stop And Frisk Comments

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I have to do this because Charlamagne won’t. DJ Envy earned himself “Donkey of the Day” Tuesday for defending the NYPD’s outlawed “stop and frisk” policy during a segment on The Breakfast Club. The topic came up during a talk about Monday’s presidential debate, when Donald Trump suggested implementing “stop and frisk” as a solution […]

Charlemagne Should Give DJ Envy Donkey Of The Day For His Stop And Frisk Comments

Dog Walks on Hind Legs, Backwards, Is Totally Amazing

Did you hear about the bear that walked into a bar ? Really, that happened last week in Colorado. What about the dog who can walk on two legs… and his hind legs… and backwards. Meet Jiff the Pomeranian. The canine’s Facebook page lists him as an entertainer who’s a “movie actor/model,” he’s been featured on ABC and he’s earned himself nearly 500,000 likes. Watch this video and it’s easy to see why: Dog Walks on Two Legs, Backwards

See the original post here:
Dog Walks on Hind Legs, Backwards, Is Totally Amazing